
99Asril Pramutadi100Irwan Meilano101Sony SuhandonoInvestigation of the effect of oxide film spallation on protective layer generation under high-temperature lead-alloy coolant for development of generation IV reactors(Project 2017)Deformation Study in Eastern Indonesia Based on GPS Observation Data and the Implication to Seismic Hazard of Indonesia(Project 2017)Molecular Characterization of Begomovirus from Java and Sumatra in order to Develop Biological synthetic Agent for Viral Resistant Plant(Project 2017)70旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2018)For contributing to the next generation (GEN IV) reactors, understanding of high-temperature corrosion under Lead-alloy environment is important. By the understanding of the corrosion behavior, a safety factor of the reactor can be ensured. The Lead-coolant has excellent safety and neutronic characteristics whereas the lifetime of the primary structural components of the lead-cooled type of reactors are still in question due to a corrosion issue. Mechanism of oxide layer formation after crack or delamination of the scale is still not well explained. This research is aiming to obtain a clear picture of the mechanism by making create crack after scale formation. The apparatus test has been developed and equipped with ceramic in order to be able to work with liquid metal without ruin the system. Several tests under high-temperature gas have been conducted.Eastern Indonesiea is the produc of complex interaction between Eurasia, Australia, Pacific and Philippine Sea plates. Much of the convergence has been accomodated by subduction of the Indian ocean along the Sunda trench, sinistral motion of Sorong Fault, by double-dipping subduction of Molucca Sea, and by (1800 curvature) convergence of the Banda arc. It has been proposed that the formation of the Banda Arc involves single subduction rollback from seismic tomography studies. This models must explain the origin if the exceptionally strong curvature of the crust. However geodetic evidence and interpretation of seismic patterns have suggested that it formed from subduction of two slabs. They explain the shape of subducted lithosphere but require existence of oceanic crust in the area. Here, by using recent geodetic observation, we support a model based on rollback of a single slab. Geodetic survey observation indicates rapid extension in the eastern part of Banda arc. The East-West extension cannot be easly explained in terms of crustal plate interaction, suggesting that dynamic processes below crust. The rapid evolutionary potential of single-stranded DNA Begomovirus combined with the polyphagous feeding behavior of their whitefly vector (Bemisia tabaci) can lead to the emergence of damaging viral strains. B.tabaci act as a media for disease rapid distribution. Due to these conditions, the purpose of this study is to analysis genetic variation of begomovirus in B tabaci in Java and Sumatra as a central of vegetables crops. Bioinformatic studies of Begomovirus data in genbank have produced an universal primers which will be used for NGS. The samples have been collected from 53 sampling points in 6 province. The genomic DNA of Begomovirus has been isolated from one of B. tabaci by using qiagen kit which met the requirements for NGS approach. The research will continue with sample analysis using NGS, NGS yield and determination of Dominant viruses as synthetic virus candidates.

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