
yrammuS 要概102Mitra Djamal 103Freddy Haryanto104Sidik PermanaDevelopment of Glass Laser Medium Based Er3+ Doped Borate Oxide Glass(Project 2017)Development of Light Scattering Methods for Urinary Stones Diagnosis(Project 2017)Study on Transuranium Fuel Loading Effect to Fuel Breeding Capability and Nuclear Nonproliferation Aspect of Plutonium in Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR)(Project 2017)71Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)The physical, optical and luminescence properties of Er3+ ion doped borate glass have been developed by melt-quenching technique. The density and molar volume of glass medium increased with increasing Er2O3 concentration due to the enhancement of non-bridging oxygen intensity in the glass structure. The quenching concentration effect was obtained at 2.0 mol% Er2O3. The strongest absorption occurred at 524 nm (4I15→2H1). The emission spectra excited by λex = 524 nm showed the 4I13/2→4I15/2 transition centered at 1534 nm. From presented data, the borate glass doped Er3+ ion is a potential material to be developed for telecommunication and an optical amplifier.Light scattering method is a commonly used technique to measure the size distribution the liquid particles at nano and micro-particle scale. In this research, light scattering method has been developed to analyze urine crystals. The research stages consist of preliminary study, instrument set-up, experiments and data analysis. Peak was shifted with addition of polystyrene concentration. The result of this research shows that the greater molecular weight not only reduces the intensity value but also reduces the value of Full width at half maximum.Improving nuclear fuel recycling program from accumulated spent nuclear fuels will have some benefit including higher fuel breeding reactors and optimum fuel resorces from spent fuel as well as less volume of environmental impact. Those benefits can be achieved and by utilization additional uranium resources from sea water as well as thorium fuel resources and fussion technology, nuclear energy can fulfill world energy demand as as a sustainable energy resources which can be similar to renewable energy resources (President’s meeting of G8 countries, 2006). Nuclear fuel breeding program as a nuclear sustainable scheme can be easily achieved by improving high fuel conversion or fuel breeding capability of the reactor. At the same time, some effectively recycling fuel program should be pursued based on nuclear fuel cycle of uranium and thorium as natrually exist as well as its transition and mixed fuel from reactor production such as transuranium and transthorium. In the proposed study, the effect of loading transuranium fuel to the fuel breeding capability and its effect to nuclear nonproliferation of plutonium in fast breeder reactor (FBR) will be studied. Those transuranium compositions as fuel loading material as additional fuel with uranium into FBR reactor are based on spent nuclear fuel of LWR. Transuranium composition will be analyzed based on plutonium composition, minor actinide composition as well as its combination of plutonium and minor actinide with uranium fuel as mixed uranium-plutonium oxide fuel as well as mixed uranium and minor actinide or transuranium fuel compositions. Those transuranium composition as initial fuel composition will

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