
8【チュラロンコン大学(タイ・バンコク)】旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2019)Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science91KittikhunWangkanont92PattarasineeBhattarakosol93NawapornDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of ScienceVinayavekhinDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering94KasiditNootong95NutthitaMetallurgy and Materials Science Research InstituteChuankrerkkul96NatapotWarritDepartment of Biology, Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Chemical Technology, Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Environmental, Faculty of Engineering 97NuttapolPootrakulchote 98BenjapornSuwannasilpPrompongPienpini-jthamStephan Thierry Dubas101JiaqianDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science99The Petroleum and Petrochemical College100Metallurgy and Materials Science Research InstituteDepartment of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of EngineeringQin102KreangkraiManeeintrDr.Assistant Professor Dr.Lecturer Dr.Associate Professor Dr.Assistant ProfessorDr.Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Lecturer Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Synthesis of a galactofuranose affinty resin and isolation of novel microbe-specific lectins (Project 2018)A Development of Communication and Alert System through Eye Gaze Detection (Project 2018)Probing mechanisms of and improving 1-butanol tolerance of Bacillus subtilis by modulating levels of lipids in the membrane lipid biosynthetic pathways (Project 2018)Effects of Light Spectrums and Aeration Rates on Growth and Carotenoids Prodution in Microalgal Chlorococcum in Photobioreactor (Project 2018)Preparation of anode-supported SOFC with well controlled microstructure(Project 2018)The Identification of potential pollinators in the family Megachilidae Latreille, 1802, from trap nests (Project 2018)Non-Intermittent Hybrid Solar Converter Based on Oorganic Supercapacitor and Perovkite Solar Cell (Project 2018)Characterization of Microbial Communities in Anaerobic Bioreactors in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants in Thailand (Project 2018)Synthesis and Applications of Morphologically Controlled Silver and Gold Micro/Nanostructures (Project 2018)Development of composite polyelectrolyte complex LDH/graphene membrane for supercapacitors (Project 2018)Wearable woven supercapacitor fabrics with high energy density (Project 2018)Coal Waste Utilization for Soil Amendment for Chulalongkorn University Saraburi Campus Area (Project 2018)海外研究助成

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