
旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2019)Petrology, Volcanology and Geochemistry, Faculty of Earth Sciences and TechnologyPhysics of Magneticsm and Photonics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesTelecommunication Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics114Asep SaepulohInge Magdalena Sutjahja115116Adit KumiawanGeodesy, Faculty Earth Sciences and Technology117Kosasih PrijatnaChemical Engineering Process Design and Development, Faculty of Industrial Technology118Elvi RestiawatyApllied Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology119Johan ArifEarth Physics and Complex Systems, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences120Wahyu Srigutomo10Assistant Professor Dr.Associate Professor Dr.Professor Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Associate Professor Dr.Detection of Magmatic Gas Leakage at Volcano Environment to Asses Fluid Paths using Satellite Thermal Infrared and Ground Sensors (Project 2018)Thermophysical Characterization of Ionic Liquid based on Immidazolium or Ammonium Cations as Latent Thermal Energy Storage (Project 2018)Improved-Capacity and Spectrum-Efficient Wireless Access Network to Support Internet of Things in 5G/6G Wireless Communication Systems (Project 2018)Detection of Sea Level Change due to Super Typhoon Haiyan Using Multi-mission Satellite Altimetry (Case Study: Indonesian Water) (Project 2018)Optimization of Operating Condition for Cellulose Nanocrystals Production from Agro-Industrial Waste (Project 2018)Environment in Rembang Zone in East Java during Plio-Pleistocene based on limestone formation-based of climate change(Project 2018)Development of 3-D Magnetotelluric Finite Element Modeling and Efficient Non-Linear Inversion in Volcanology and Geothermal System (Project 2018)

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