
llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL【Research Encouragement Grants】【Continuation Grants for Young Researchers】【Research Encouragement Grants】17Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2019)71TomokoFUKUYAMA72AtsushiTABUCHI73ShuYAMAMURA74EisukeHORI75KohjiUNO76TetsuKUBOTA77TakahiroMATSUI78KazuyoHANAIDepartment of Architecture and Urban Design, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan UniversityGraduate School of Life and Environmental Science,Kyoto Prefectural UniversityThe Waseda Institute for Advanced StudyDepartment of Architecture and Design, Faculty of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineer-ing, Kindai UniversityKobe City College of Technol-ogyDivision of Development Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima UniversityTokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyInstitute for Future Initiatives, The University of TokyoDevelopment of corrosion diagnosis technique for reinforced concrete corrected by electrochemic frequency characteristics of concrete microstruc-tures (Project 2016)Evaluation of the dynamic perfor-mance in a Japanese traditional connection to strengthen seismic qualification of a traditional timber house (Project 2017)Association between neighborhood environmental factors and individual travel behavior of middle-aged and older adults: Analysis utilizing Person-Trip Survey of Kinki Metropolitan Area (Project 2017)Study on two district residence as safety net for facilities of evacuation life(Project 2017)An Experimental Verification on Eco-DRR Function of Coastal Sandy Beach in the Nankai Trough Earth-quake Impact Area (Project 2018)Assistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorLecturerAssociate ProfessorDemonstration experiment of energy-saving renovation through passive cooling techniques for existing urban houses using experimental houses constructed in Malaysia (Project 2015)Associate ProfessorThe significance of special fishery zone for reconstruction efforts and problems of the local fishery and the fishing village area from the perspective of the needs and assessment of the fishermen (Project 2015)Action of Consumers and Civil Societies to Solve the Conflict Miner-als Issue in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)(Project 2016)Associate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorNatural Sciences Category 3: Architecture & Urban EngineeringHumanities and Social Sciences

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