旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2019)79YoshiroHIROSE80AlexandrosGASPARATOS81GakushiISHIMURA82TomohiroTABATA83AkifumiSHIOYA84ShinichiFUKUSHIGE85ToruMATSUMOTO86HitoshiARAKI87KiyokazuKAWADA88HirokazuTSUKAYA89DaiFUKUI90YukoHAYASHI18Monozukuri Department, Tokyo Metropolitan Collage of Industrial Technology Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of TokyoFaculty of Agriculture, Iwate UniversityGraduate School of Human Development and Environ-ment, Kobe UniversityFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of TsukubaDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka UniversityDepartment of Life and Envi-ronment Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of KitakyushuResearch Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido UniversityFaculty of Life and Environ-mental Sciences, University of TsukubaDepartment of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of TokyoThe University of Tokyo Hok-kaido Forest, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of TokyoFaculty of Engineering, Hokkai Gakuen UniversityAssistant ProfessorFiscal Sustainability of Japan −A Case Study of Fiscal Reconstruction of Canada− (Project 2016)Political Ecology of biofuels in Africa: evidence from three operational projects in Ghana (Project 2017)Development of Policy to Build the Resilience in Fishery and Associated Industries from the Recovery Experi-ences from the 2011 Earthquake (Project 2017)Survey on actual situation and future outlook of fuel poverty in Japan (Project 2017)Application of Local Knowledge to the Better Water Use and Social Recon-struction in Central Asia (Project 2018)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorDevelopment of a Novel Design Method for Product Disassembly by Semi-Destructive Process (Project 2015)Evaluation of Effectiveness and Success Factors of "Waste Banks" in Indonesia (Project 2015)Methodological development of environmental DNA for evaluating genetic variation, distribution and ecological characteristics of Sakhalin taimen in Japan (Project 2016)Elucidation of the contribution of goat to the desertification process using a bio-logging real-time grazing analysis method (Project 2016)Associate ProfessorProfessorProfessorAssistant ProfessorComprehansive Studies of Saprophytes in Asian Tropical Rain Forests(Project 2016)ProfessorResearch on bats as bioindicators in forest ecosystem(Project 2016)Assistant ProfessorConstruction of the information disclosure system for watching habitats of endangered Blakiston's fish owls with citizen's eyes (Project 2016)ProfessorEnvironmental Research/ Environmental Field Research
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