llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL21Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2019)IngeMagdalenaSstjahja115116AditKumiawan117KosasihPrijatna118ElviRestiawaty119JohanArif120WahyuSrigutomoPhysics of Magneticsm and Photonics, Faculty of Math-ematics and Natural SciencesTelecommunication Engineer-ing, School of Electrical Engineering and InformaticsGeodesy, Faculty Earth Sciences and TechnologyChemical Engineering Process Design and Development, Faculty of Industrial Technol-ogyApllied Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and TechnologyEarth Physics and Complex Systems, Faculty of Mathemat-ics and Natural SciencesAssociate Professor Dr.Thermophysical Characterization of Ionic Liquid based on Immidazolium or Ammonium Cations as Latent Thermal Energy Storage (Project 2018)Improved-Capacity and Spectrum-Efficient Wireless Access Network to Support Internet of Things in 5G/6G Wireless Communication Systems (Project 2018)Detection of Sea Level Change due to Super Typhoon Haiyan Using Multi-mission Satellite Altimetry (Case Study: Indonesian Water)(Project 2018)Optimization of Operating Condition for Cellulose Nanocrystals Production from Agro-Industrial Waste (Project 2018)Environment in Rembang Zone in East Java During Plio-Pleistocene Based on Limestone Formation-Based of Climate Change (Project 2018)Development of 3-D Magnetotelluric Finite Element Modeling and Efficient Non-Linear Inversion in Volcanology and Geothermal System (Project 2018)Professor Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Assistant Professor Dr.Associate Professor Dr.
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