
yrammuS 要概近年3Dディスプレイが注目を集め,それを実現できる有機材料として円偏光発光材料の開発が精力的に展開されている.折れ曲がった分子形状を有するアキラルなバナナ型分子は液晶相でらせん構造を形成し,キラル液晶相を発現できるため,キラリティー導入を必要としない画期的な分子設計となる.本研究では,液晶特性と発光特性を兼ね備えたアキラルなバナナ型分子の開発を目指しキラリティーを必要としない簡便かつ効率的な円偏光発光分子の創製を目的とした.本研究により二種類の屈曲分子の開発に成功した.一方は液晶特性の発現には至らなかったものの,凝集構造に依存した多彩な発光を示す多色発光材料となることを,他方は非キラル液晶性と発光特性を兼ね備えた発光性液晶分子となり,結晶⇄液晶相転移による発光挙動スイッチング特性を示すことを見出した.Recently, much attention has been paid to three-dimensional (3D) display devices, in which can be applicable using organic circularly polarized luminescent (CPL) materials. Therefore, significant effort has been devoted to the development of such organic CPL molecules. As one of the revolutionary reports, achiral liquid-crystal-line (LC) molecules with a banana-shape have been reported to show chiral LC phase. Our research purpose, in this study, is the development of novel bent molecules with both LC and light-emitting properties, which would become facile and efficient molecular design for versatile CPL molecules without any chiral centers. After extensive investigations, we successfully two-types of bent molecules: (i) hexafluorocyclopentenes with two light-emitting arms and (ii) V- and Y-shaped molecules with light-emitting bistolane scaffolds in the mo-lecular terminals. The former did not show any LC properties, but interestingly, exhibited intriguing PL be-havior, which can switch PL color by modulating molecular aggregated structures. The latter successfully showed both non-chiral LC and PL properties, and the PL properties could be tuned through phase-transition from crystal to LC phases, which would become promising PL sensing material responsive to thermal energy.我々はこれまでに,電子スピンを持つ金属イオンを,金属間の磁気的相互作用が期待できるシアノ基で架橋した自己組織化超分子多面体の開発研究を通じて,Feイオン42個からなるナノサイズ分子磁石の開発に成功してきた.本研究では,Fe42核ナノサイズ分子磁石のFeイオンをMnイオン,Niイオンに置換することで新しい機能を発現する混合原子価超分子多面体の開発を目的として研究を行った.その結果,Fe24Mn18, Fe24Ni18の新規ナノサイズ分子磁石の合成に成功し,42核から成る超分子イオンケージ骨格は柔軟に混合原子価状態を変化させることができ,また磁気特性も強磁性,反磁性と制御できることが明らかとなった.We have been developed a nanosized molecular magnet of a cyanide-bridged Fe42 nanocage through the study of self-assembly of metal-organic polyhedra with cyanide-bridged, in which the magnetic coupling interaction between neighbouring paramagnetic metal centers can be easily controlled and anticipated. In this project, we investigated new nanosized, mixed valent metal-organic polyhedra, where Fe ions of Fe42 山田 重之19Shigeyuki YAMADA姜 舜徹20Soonchul KANGキラリティーを必要としない簡便かつ効率的な円偏光発光分子の新規創製および特性評価 (2017年採択)Facile and Effective Synthesis of Circularly Polarized Molecules without Bearing Chirality and Evaluation of their Physical Characterization(Project 2017)レアメタルフリーの金属錯体ナノサイズ分子磁石の開発 (2017年採択)Development of rare metal-free molecule-based magnets(Project 2017)31Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2019)

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