
yrammuS 要概マンザミンアルカロイドの生合成経路を摸倣して,ハリシクラミン類やケラマフィジン類の骨格を作り分ける合成法の開発を検討した.多能性中間体としたジヒドロピリジン(DHP) 環に対し,① 3 位に電子吸引基を連結して 4 位の求電子性を向上させ,② 6 位を四級炭素として,ヒドリド移動が起点となる不均化反応を抑制した.DHP 型多能性中間体を活用して,Mannich 型反応による位置選択的な二量化を実現し,ハリシクラミン類の骨格を高収率で構築することに成功した.さらに,Diels-Alder 反応により,ケラマフィジン類に類似したビシクロ型骨格の合成を実現した.得られた知見を統合して推定反応機構を提唱し,生合成拡張型骨格多様化合成に有用な戦略を提起することができた.Mimicking biosynthesis of manzamine alkaloids, we sought to develop a divergent synthetic process to halicyclamine and keramaphidine-type scaffolds. We designed dihydropyridine (DHP) as a multipotent intermediate. First, an electron-withdrawing substituent was conjugated at C3 position of DHP towards stabilization of the sensitive DHP system. Second, in order to circumvent the disproportionation reaction triggered by a hydride shift from C6 position of the DHP system, substrates bearing a gem-dimethylated quaternary carbon center at C6 position were designed and synthesized. Employing the designer substrates, we have successfully developed regio-controlled dimerization of DHPs via Mannich-type reaction. Construction of a fused-bicyclic skeleton reminiscent of keramaphidines was also achieved by implementing a Diels-Alder-type cycloaddition. Integrating the experimental findings, we proposed plausible reaction mechanism and are developing biogenetically-inspired strategies for the divergent synthesis of various alkaloidal scaffolds.近年,中分子ペプチド医薬品が脚光を浴びており,特にN-メチル化ペプチドは高い代謝安定性と膜透過性をもつことから重要性が高い.中分子N-メチル化ペプチドの供給法として最も一般的な手法は縮合剤を利用する液相化学合成法であるが,N-メチルアミノ酸は立体障害により求核性が著しく低下しているため,アミノ酸の組み合わせによってはほとんど目的物を得られないことすらある.また,反応性の低下を補うため長時間,加熱条件で反応する場合も多いが,しばしばこれがラセミ化を招く.本申請研究は,N-メチルアミノ酸を迅速(1分以内),かつ高収率で,ラセミ化を抑制しつつ連結するマイクロフローアミド結合形成法の開発を目的とし,収率80%以上,ラセミ化1%以下を目標とする.Medium size peptide based drugs have garnered much attention in recent years. In particular, N-methylated peptides are important due to their high metabolic stability and membrane permeability. The most conven-tional production of medium size peptides is based on solution phase chemical syntheis using coupling agents. However, yield of desired N-methylated peptides is sometimes very low due to poor nucleophilicity of N-methyl amino acids. The use of long reaction time or heating conditions to accerelate the coupling often cause undesired racemization. This study aims to develop rapid (< 1 min) and high yielding micro-flow amide bond formation (> 80%) without severe racemization (< 1%).大栗 博毅マンザミンアルカロイド群の骨格多様化合成 34Hiroki OGURI布施新一郎35Shinichiro FUSE(2017年採択)Efficient synthesis and skeletal diversification of manzamine alkaloids(Project 2017)N-メチル化ペプチドの超高効率マイクロフロー合成法の開発 (2017年採択)Development of Highly Efficient Micro-Flow Synthetic Approach for N-Methylated Peptides(Project 2017)39Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2019)

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