
yrammuS 要概π共役系有機分子は,光を利活用する物質科学・生命科学において,重要な基本電子構造を有する分子群です.しかしながら,現在でもπ共役系化合物の合理的設計・合成・置換基導入,ならびに機能(吸光発光特性,量子収率,熱安定性など)の制御には大きな制限があり,生命科学・物質科学への展開が阻まれています.本研究では,代表者らがこれまで培ってきた有機合成化学・理論化学・分光学・元素化学を結集し,光を利活用するための新奇π共役系有機化合物の提案と設計・合成法の開発,多様化,ならびに電子と構造・機能の自在制御を目指しています.Complex p-electron compounds that interact with light have long attracted interest, and have become increasingly important in recent years for potential applications in life science and materials science. However, there are still severe limitations in rational design, synthesis, and derivatization of π-electron organic molecules, as well as in their functional modification (absorption/emission properties, quantum yield, thermo-stability, etc.), and these issues have hampered their practical application in advanced technologies, including storage media, organic semiconductors, laser printers, photodynamic therapy of cancer, nonlinear optics, deodorants, and molecular imaging.食事脂質に由来する不飽和脂肪酸が腸内細菌により飽和化され,代謝物として水酸化脂肪酸,オキソ脂肪酸,エノン脂肪酸などを生成することを見いだした.また,これらの脂肪酸の宿主組織における存在を確認した.さらに,これらの代謝物の生理機能を評価した結果,これらの代謝物が,代謝改善機能をすること,腸管上皮バリアの損傷を回復すること,抗炎症作用を持つことなどを見いだした.すなわち,腸内細菌の脂肪酸代謝に依存して腸管内に特異的に生成する脂肪酸代謝物が,宿主であるヒトの健康に何らかの影響を与えている可能性が示された.加えて,乳酸菌由来の酵素を活用し,腸内細菌脂肪酸代謝物の酵素合成法を開発した.Unsaturated fatty acids derived from dietary lipids were found to be saturated by gut microorganisms with hydroxy fatty acids, oxo fatty acids, and enone fatty acids as metabolites. We confirmed the existence of these fatty acid metabolites in host tissues. We evaluated the physiological function of these newly found fatty acid metabolites and found that these metabolites improve metabolic disorders, recover the damage of intestinal epithelial barrier, and have anti-inflammatory activity. These results suggested that fatty acid metabolites formed specifically in intestinal tract by gut microbial fatty acid metabolism can influence the health of the host. Furthermore, we developed enzymatic processes for the production of these novel functional fatty acid metabolites using the enzymes from lactic acid bacteria. 内山 真伸57Masanobu UCHIYAMA小川 順58JunOGAWA理論計算と合成化学の融合による近赤外光利活用分子の創製と医薬化学的応用 (2015年採択)Creation of Near-IR molecules and Practical Applications based on Integration of Theoretical Calculation and Synthetic Chemistry(Project 2015)腸内細菌脂質代謝の解析に基づく新規機能性脂質のデザインと酵素合成法開発 (2015年採択)Design and enzymatic synthesis of novel functional lipids based on the analysis of gut microbial lipid metabolism(Project 2015)51Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2019)

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