
computation. A quantum circuit for TQC (hereafter, TQC circuit) can be represented by two kinds of loops which are crossed with each other, and the loops correspond to operations called braiding. The cost to realize a TQC circuit is related to the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped which encloses all the loops. There are known transformation rules for loops without changing the functionality of the corresponding TQC circuit. We can optimize TQC circuits by using the transformation rules. The transformation called “bridge compression” is especially useful, but the condition that we can apply bridge compression is such that the topology is not changed by the transformation; the condition is so vague that it is difficult to treat it by a computer program for optimizing TQC circuits. This research has developed a theory to describe the condition that we can apply bridge compression; we can derive an optimization method for TQC circuits.β-Ga2O3 ソーラーブラインドセンサーは,固体炎センサとして多くの注目を集めている.その最終目的のために,我々は半絶縁層を有するβ-Ga2O3ショットキーフォトダイオードを作製し,その電気特性を電流電圧測定から評価した.作製したフォトダイオードは,半絶縁層厚~0.7 µm全体にわたって比較的大きな電界~1.8 MV/cmが印可できており,HfO2層を導入することでその値を2.5 MV/cmまで大きくできた.このような,半絶縁層ありのMOSフォトダイオードは,光キャリア増幅に有効であると考えられ,将来的なβ-Ga2O3アバランシェフォトダイオードの基本構造になると考えられる.β-Ga2O3 solar-blind avalanche photodiodes have attracted attentions for future application of solid-state flame sensors. For this goal, we fabricated β-Ga2O3 Schottky photodiodes with semi-insulating layers and investigated electrical properties through current-voltage measurement. The photodiodes exhibited a relatively high applied electric filed (~1.8 MV/cm) for the entire semi-insulating layer (~0.7 µm), whose value further increased to 2.5 MV/cm by introducting HfO2. Such MOS photodiodes with semi-insulating layer is beneficial for photocarrier multiplication and contribute to future development of β-Ga2O3-based avalanche photodiodes.本研究では,高い変換効率と生産効率の両立した太陽電池の開発を目指し,ガラス上にSiGe薄膜を高品質形成することを検討した.「Al誘起成長(AIC)法」を用いることにより,SiGe全組成域において大粒径(> 10 µm)結晶薄膜を低温形成することに成功した.さらに,AIC法で形成したSiGe薄膜をテンプレートとすることで,大粒径かつAl含有の少ない光吸収SiGe層を得ることに成功した.特にGeにおいては,少数キャリア寿命は多結晶Ge中で最大の値(5.6 µs)に及んだ.一方,金属触媒を用いない結晶化法を検討した結果,多結晶SiGe薄膜として最大となるキャリア移動度を得た.以上は,優れたSiGe太陽電池の可能性を開拓する成果である.In this study, the formation of high-quality SiGe thin films on glass was investigated to develop a novel solar cell with high conversion and production efficiencies. The Al-induced crystallization (AIC) technique ena-56大島 孝仁67Takayoshi OSHIMA都甲 薫68KaoruTOKO酸化ガリウムで実現できる新奇type-II接合型金属絶縁体半導体(MIS)フォトダイオード開発とアバランシェ増幅の実現 (2018年採択)Fabrication of novel Ga2O3-based type-II MIS photodiodes for avalanche multiplication(Project 2018)低発電コストを実現する擬似単結晶シリコンゲルマニウム薄膜太陽電池の開発 (2016年採択)Development of pseudo-single-crystal SiGe thin-film solar cells lowering the cost of power generation(Project 2016)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2019)

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