yrammuS 要概bled low-temperature formation of large-grained (> 10μm) thin films in the entire composition range of SiGe. The template application of AIC-SiGe succeeded in obtaining light absorbing SiGe layers with large grains and reduced Al concentration. Especially in Ge, the minority carrier lifetime reached the maximum value (5.6 μs) in polycrystalline Ge layers. On the other hand, the crystallization method without using a metal cat-alyst was investigated. As a result, high quality SiGe thin films were obtained, the mobilities of which were the highest among polycrystalline SiGe thin films on insulators. The achievements in this study will open up the possibility of superior SiGe solar cells.わずか原子一層からなるグラフェンの発見とその研究を契機として,原子層数層からなる極限的な二次元半導体物質である原子層物質が基礎と応用の両面から注目を集めている.単層遷移金属ダイカルコゲナイドを中心として,その特徴的な半導体原子層(極限二次元)物質やヘテロ構造を舞台に,そこに強く閉じ込められた電子や正孔によって発現する特異な光物性・機能性を開拓し,量子グリーンフォトニクスと呼べる新しい研究分野を切り開く事を目的とし研究を進めた.Since the discovery and research progress of atomically thin graphene, the emerging system of atomically thin semiconducting materials with only a few atomic layer thickness has attracted much attention from the viewpoints of fundamental research and potential applications. The optically generated strongly confined electron-hole pairs (excitons and charged excitons) contribute to the novel optical properties in semiconducting atomically thin materials of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides. We conducted the studies on novel optical science and application as quantum green photonics in atomically thin semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides and its hetero-structure. 本研究では多核種ナノ磁気共鳴イメージング法の開発に向け,高周波測定系の構築ならびに微小な磁気チップ付きマイクロカンチレバーの作製を行った.微小な磁気チップを備えた高感度マイクロカンチレバーを作製することにより,高いスピン検出感度を実現することが可能になる.この目的のため,電子線描画装置を導入し,カンチレバー上に微小な磁気チップを形成するための微細加工プロセスを開発した.また,カンチレバーに代わる力検出デバイスとしてメンブレンデバイスに着目し,低温,強磁場下でも高い信号雑音比で信号検出が可能な測定系を構築した.ラジカル試料はもとより,緩和時間の短い磁性体試料や溶液状態の試料など広い測定対象に対する有用性を明らかにすることができたIn this study, we developed a fabrication process of microcantilevers with a small magentic chip, together with measurement setups for multi-nuclear nano magentic resonance imaging. By using a high-sensitive microcantilever with a magnetic chip, a high spin sensitivity is expected. For this purpose, an electron beam lithography technique was newly introduced and a fabrication process to form a small magnetic chip on a microcanitlever was established. 松田 一成69Kazunari MATSUDA大道 英二多核種ナノ磁気共鳴イメージング法の開発 70Eiji OHMICHI極限二次元単層ナノ物質におけるグリーンフォトニクスの開拓 (2015年採択)Pioneering of quantum green photonics in atomically thin nano-materials(Project 2015)(2016年採択)Development of a multi-nuclear nano magnetic resonance imaging method(Project 2016)57Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2019)
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