
In addition, we focused on a membrane device, instead of a microcantilever, as a force-sensitive device, and constructed a mesurement setup applicable in strong magnetic fields and at low temperatures. With this setup, electron spin resonance for various types of samples such as magentic samples with faster relaxation times and solution samples, in addition to radicals, could be mechanically measured for the first time by our force-detected technique.本研究は,コンクリート中の各種材料構成と電気化学的特性との相関に基づく正確な腐食診断手法の確立を目的とする.異なる誘・導電率をもつ材料が接する界面すべてに着目し,これらすべての界面がキャパシタを構成するものと見做して,コンクリートに幅広い周波数の交流波印加から得られる卓越応答により腐食診断の補正を行うことを目的に検討を開始した.本研究の結果から,各種材料パラメータに相関したインピーダンス周波数分布が得られたが,材料種類と材料形状との交互作用に関する検討が不充分である.また実構造物から得られたパラメータ未知のデータに対する補正手法を確立するには,各周波数におけるインピーダンスの増減率とパラメータ増減との相関に関する検討が必要であると考えられる.The purpose of this research is to establish an accurate corrosion diagnosis method based on the correlation between composing materials of concrete and electrochemical characteristics. The focusing point is on all interfaces where materials with different conductivity or dielectricity are in contact, and all these interfaces are considered as capacitors. To detect the outstanding frequency for correction of corrosion diagnosis, wide frequency AC waves are applied to concrete specimens. Although the impedance frequency distributions correlated with various material parameters were obtained from the experiments, consideration on the interaction between material type and shape is insufficient. In addition, to establish a correction method for data obtained from real structures, it is necessary to study the correlation between the impedance change rate at each frequency and the increase/decrease in parameters.本研究の目的は,伝統木造住宅の接合部の振動実験を通じて伝統木造住宅の耐震性能の一端を明らかにすることである.基本仕口形式である長ほぞ込栓打ち接合部の振動台実験を実施し,接合部に働く動的モーメント抵抗に対する性能および破壊性状について検討した.その結果,接合部の回転剛性は従来の静的載荷実験による知見と概ね一致したものの,破壊強度は静的載荷時に比べると低くなる場合があることが分かった.In this study, the purpose is that the seismic performances of Japanese traditional timber connections were found out by using a shaking table test. Dynamic moment-resisting and failure properties of a tenon and mortise joint, which is one of the basic type joints in Japanese traditional timber house, were examined by shaking table test. As the results of tests, the rotational stiffness of a tenon and mortise joint was similar to the static rotational stiffness, but the dynamic strength of rupture was lower than the static one in some cases.58福山 智子71Tomoko FUKUYAMA田淵 敦士72Atsushi TABUCHI電気化学的周波数特性の測定によるコンクリートの内部構造の推定とこれを用いた腐食診断手法の開発 (2016年採択)Development of corrosion diagnosis technique for reinforced concrete corrected by electrochemic frequency characteristics of concrete microstructures (Project 2016)伝統木造住宅の耐震化を目指した伝統的嵌合接合部の動的性能の解明 (2017年採択)Evaluation of the dynamic performance in a Japanese traditional connection to strengthen seismic qualification of a traditional timber house(Project 2017)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2019)

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