
yrammuS 要概本研究では,奈良県を対象フィールドとして,近畿圏パーソントリップ調査の原データを用いて,歩行外出率を郵便番号区ごとに算出した.そして,歩行外出率と各種の都市環境条件とを照らし合わせることで,歩行外出習慣と都市環境との関係性を分析した.その結果,歩行外出率の高い地域に特徴的な,都市環境の主な要素として,以下の項目が抽出された.①徒歩でアクセスできるところに,目的地となるような生活施設が充実していること.②よくメンテナンスされた高質なまちなみが保たれていること.③多様な自然景観要素があること.④自動車が入り込みにくい狭い道があること.In this study, using the raw data of the Kinki-region person trip survey, walking-ratio (number of trips of going out by walk per capita) of each ZIP code tabulation area was calculated and analyzed. The whole Nara prefecture was set as the target area. The relationship between urban environment and walking habit was analyzed through a comparison between the walking-ratio with various urban environmental indices.As a result, the following elements were extracted as characteristic urban environment in the area having high walking-ratio: Proximity to daily life facilities as destination for going out; Well maintained, high quality townscape; Various natural landscape elements; Narrow paths that do not allow cars to go in.近年,大規模自然災害や原子力発電所事故など,数万人〜数十万人規模で長期避難生活を強いられる事態が発生し,今後も想定される大規模地震への対策が急務となっている.一方で,全国には820万戸の空き家が存在するとされ,その数は年々増加傾向にあり,有効活用を含めた対策が必要である.空き家の活用は,住宅需要の増加,消費需要や新たな雇用機会の創出など,地方の衰退が進む地域において地域活性化への期待が持たれている.こうした背景から,大規模災害・事故の際に発生する長期避難生活者の生活環境の改善を目的とした生活拠点のセーフティネットとして空き家等を有効活用する二地域居住の可能性を検討した.In recent years, tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to live long-term evacuation lives due to the effects of large-scale natural disasters and nuclear power plant accidents. Countermeasures against large-scale earthquakes expected in the future are urgently needed.On the other hand, there are 8.2 million vacant houses, and the number is increasing year by year, and it is necessary to take measures including effective utilization.Utilization of vacant houses is expected to revitalize areas in declining regions, such as increased housing demand, consumption demand and the creation of new employment opportunities.From these backgrounds, we examined the possibility of two-area residences that effectively utilize vacant houses as safety nets for living bases aimed at improving the living environment of long-term displaced persons occurring during large-scale disasters and accidents in Kyusyu region.山村 崇73ShuYAMAMURA堀 英祐74EisukeHORI中高年居住者の外出・歩行習慣に寄与する都市環境因子とその影響メカニズムの解明 —近畿大都市圏を対象としたパーソントリップ調査データを活用して— (2017年採択)Association between neighborhood environmental factors and individual travel behavior of middle-aged and older adults: Analysis utilizing Person-Trip Survey of Kinki Metropolitan Area (Project 2017)避難生活拠点セーフティネットとしての二地域居住に関する研究 (2017年採択)Study on two district residence as safety net for facilities of evacuation life(Project 2017)59Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2019)

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