
近年,淡路島の沿岸部では南海地震の発生に伴う沿岸域の被災が懸念されている.このような大規模地震が到来した場合,既存する海岸構造物は砂浜の液状化により沈下,倒壊し,海岸の保全機能が果たせなくなる可能性が予測される.また,その機能発現は短期的な潮位変動と長期的な海水準変動によって常に変化する間隙状態や砂浜の物理特性によっても大きく影響を受けることが予測される.本研究では,淡路島沿岸砂浜の粒径・形状の特性を把握するために画像解析を行い,淡路島沿岸に点在する砂浜の粒度特性の分布的特徴については,大阪湾の砂浜に比較的大きい粒子の砂が存在し,どの砂浜も同等な形状を示すことがわかった.また,振動台実験により液状化特性を算定することで,淡路島沿岸砂浜の液状化特性の空間的特徴について,紀伊水道の砂浜が液状化しやすい傾向にあることがわかった.On the coastal part of Awaji Island, there was a storm surge caused by typhoon 21 in 2018. In addition, there are concerns about the damage of the coastal zone due to the occurrence of the Nankai Earthquake. If such a large-scale earthquake occurs, the existing coastal structure may collapse due to liquefaction of the sandy beach. In this study, we aims to grasp the spatial features of the coastal beach on Awaji Island by analyzing the image to understand the characteristics of the particle size and shape of the coastal sandy beach of Awaji Island and considering the liquefaction characteristics by shaking table experiment. From the results of this study, as a spatial feature of the coastal sandy beach of Awaji Island, sand with large particle size is distributed on Osaka bay side, but the shape is rounded as a whole. Also, there was a tendency to liquefy as it approached a true circle. Especially, sand on the Kii Channel side is easier to liquefy than sand in other areas.本研究では,マレーシアの大学キャンパス内に建設した実験住宅を用いた実証実験によって,既存都市住宅を対象としたパッシブクーリングによる総合的省エネ改修手法を開発することを目的とした.エアコンに頼らず熱的快適性を満たす「完全パッシブクーリング」と,寝室におけるエアコン使用を前提とし,その冷房負荷の削減を目指す「部分冷房」の2とおりの省エネ改修手法を検討した.シミュレーションにより導入技術の最適な組み合わせを求め,それらの効果を実験住宅を用いて実証した.さらに,現地学生を対象とした被験者実験を行い,高温多湿気候下の居住者の熱的快適性に関する考察を行った.The main purpose of this study was to develop comprehensive modifications through passive cooling techniques for existing urban houses, using the full-scale experimental house constructed in a Malaysian university campus. We examined the modifications under two different conditions, namely (1) complete passive condition, and (2) partial air-conditioning (AC) condition. The complete passive aims to achieve thermal comfort without relying on the use of AC, whereas the partial AC attempts to reduce the cooling load of the bedrooms where ACs are used. Numerical simulations were conducted to determine the optimum combinations of passive cooling techniques, and then field experiments were conducted to confirm the effects of the proposed combinations. Further, subjective experiments were also conducted in the experimental house to analyze the thermal comfort of occupants in hot-humid climates.60宇野 宏司75KohjiUNO久保田 徹76Tetsu KUBOTA南海トラフ地震影響圏沿岸砂浜のEco-DRR機能に関する実験的検証 (2018年採択)An Experimental Verification on Eco-DRR Function of Coastal Sandy Beach in the Nankai Trough Earthquake Impact Area(Project 2018)マレーシア現地に建設する実験住宅を用いたパッシブクーリングによる既存都市住宅の省エネ改修手法に関する実証実験 (2015年採択)Demonstration experiment of energy-saving renovation through passive cooling techniques for existing urban houses using experimental houses constructed in Malaysia (Project 2015)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2019)

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