
燃料貧困とは,家計収入の大部分を燃料費(電気・ガス等)に費やなさければならず,燃料費で家計が圧迫されている世帯のことをいう.高齢者世帯は燃料貧困の影響を特に受けやすいと指摘されており,高齢化が進展している我が国において,燃料貧困が今後問題になる可能性がある.本研究は,我が国における燃料貧困世帯の実態把握を行うこと,燃料貧困世帯の将来動向を明らかにすることを目的とする.本研究では全国消費実態調査ミクロデータを用いて燃料貧困世帯数を推計するとともに,その特徴を分析した.また,高齢者二人世帯に着目して,燃料貧困に対する脆弱性を分析した.続いて,燃料貧困世帯の発生メカニズムを明らかにするためのモデル式を作成し,高齢者世帯が燃料貧困に陥る条件を明らかにした.Fuel poverty is described as a state where households utilize a large proportion of their expenses to cover fuel costs for heating in the winter. Households consisting of elderly residents are considered to be strongly affected by the influence of fuel poverty. Therefore, fuel poverty is likely to become a problem in Japan, where the proportion of aging individuals continues to increase. This study aims to reveal the actual conditions of households in a state of fuel poverty in Japan and to clarify the future prospects for such households. First, this study identifies the potential fuel poverty households and then analyzes their characteristics using microdata from the National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure. Vulnerability to fuel poverty was analyzed by focusing on households with elderly couples. In addition, a regression analysis was conducted to create a model to clarify the mechanism resulting in the occurrence of fuel poverty in households. The conditions leading to fuel poverty in households with elderly residents were simulated using the model本研究は,現在ウズベキスタン,トルクメニスタン両共和国にまたがるホラズム・オアシスの水利灌漑史の展開を踏まえながら,ソ連期以降の水利の実態などその内容の不足を補完し,現在のホラズム地方に暮らす人たちに還元できる知の構築を目指した.具体的には,先進的な灌漑技術の導入を阻んできた諸要因を分析しながら,生業を異にする集団(遊牧民と定住民)間の水資源分配方法,水利紛争の処理,環境変動(異常高温,洪水・渇水と旱魃,沙漠の拡大)時の行動,信仰の文脈での水の語られ方といった在来知を収集し,それを活かした先進的技術の導入による,下からの水利環境整備とこの地域の社会再建の方向性を明らかにしていった.The current Khorazm oasis, which spans the Republics of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, developed over many years of irrigation. This study focuses on topics previously under-researched, particularly, water condi-tions after the Soviet Era and living conditions in the Khorazm region. Our aim was to accumulate data that could then be simplified to find solutions to current problems in the region. Various factors have hindered the introduction of advanced irrigation techniques: methods of water distribution among different groups (such as pastoral nomadss and sedentary people), conflicts over water distribution, and environmental changes (higher temperatures, flooding, drought, and desertification). Traditional knowledge about water use may solves some of these issues, especially if advanced technology can be introduced that makes use of this knowledge. This study provides a direction for improved water use and living conditions in the area.64田畑 智博82Tomohiro TABATA塩谷 哲史83Akifumi SHIOYAわが国における燃料貧困の実態把握と将来動向の推計 (2017年採択)Survey on actual situation and future outlook of fuel poverty in Japan (Project 2017)中央アジアの水資源利用と社会の再生に向けた在来知の活用 (2018年採択)Application of Local Knowledge to the Better Water Use and Social Reconstruction in Central Asia(Project 2018)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2019)

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