result, the response to the forest type was guild specific, which could be explained by wing morphology and roost characteristics of each guild. This study suggests that bat assemblages are effective as indicators of forest environment and have versatility.日本では北海道のみに生息する絶滅危惧鳥類種シマフクロウ Ketupa blakistoni においては,生息地情報が非公開にされてきたが,インターネットの普及に伴い生息地情報が拡散し,一部の生息地で写真撮影を目的とするバードウォッチャーが増加し,営巣地や採餌場所への過度の接近が問題となっている.本研究では,生息地情報を隠せない現状を踏まえ,繁殖巣の画像をインターネット経由で閲覧者に配信し,市民の目でシマフクロウの繁殖を見守る取り組みを実践し,その効果の検証を試みた.その結果,営巣地の監視効果およびシマフクロウに対する知識や関心の向上,保全活動への共感の涵養などが確認できた.In Japan, endangered Blakiston's fish owl Ketupa blakistoni ranges only in Hokkaido. Their exact habitat information has been kept undisclosed to prevent photographers and birdwatchers from invading the nesting sites and getting close to the individuals. However, with the diffusion of the internet, information of the habitats has easily spread, and in some habitats, there are growing concerns that the effects of human disturbance will further exacerbate. This study proposed an 'owl-friendly remote watching method' that distributed live images of owlets in the nests to the viewers via internet. This method had the effects of improving viewers' knowledge and developing empathy for conservation as well as watching the breeding nest.Galactofuranose (Galf) is a carbohydrate residue on the surface of various pathogenic microbes. However, Galf is not found in mammalian systems, making it an ideal residue for microbial detection, strain typing, and tar-geted therapy. Human and frog intelectins have been previously characterized as Galf-binding lectins in the in-nate immune system. However, poor protein expression yields and significant protein aggregation prevent their development into Galf detection tools. Therefore, other sources of Galf-binding lectins should be explored. Even though Galf-containing microbes are ubiquitous, there are no intelectin homologs in birds and invertebrates. In this research project, we attempted to synthesize a Galf-functionalize resin for purification of novel Galf-binding lectins from chicken and silkworm, which have no characterized Galf-binding lectins. We were able to synthe-size an azide-linked Galf that could be used to generate an affinity resin. The compounds synthesized in this project will not only be useful in experiments to shed light on the biology of Galf, but may also provide clues to prevent and combat infectious diseases in economically important birds and invertebrates.68早矢仕有子90Yuko HAYASHI91Kittikhun Wangkanont絶滅危惧鳥類種シマフクロウの生息地を市民の目で見守るための情報公開手法の構築 (2016年採択)Construction of the information disclosure system for watching habitats of endangered Blakiston's fish owls with citizen's eyes(Project 2016)Synthesis of a galactofuranose affinty resin and isolation of novel microbe-specific lectins (Project 2018)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2019)
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