llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL11Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2020)12Yuya DOMOTO13Takeshi MOMOSE14Tetsuro MURAHASHI15Yomei TOKUDA16Jumpei UEDA17Yasutaka IWASHITA18Hiroharu AJIRO19Tatsuo MARUYAMA20Yuya OAKI21Yuichi NEGISHI22Toshiyuki WAKIMOTO23Horacio CABRAL24Haruki TAKEUCHIDepartment of Applied Chem-istry, The University of TokyoDepartment of Materials Engineering,The University of TokyoDepartment of Chemical Science and Technology, School of Materials and Chemical Technology,Tokyo Institute of TechnologyFaculty of Education, Shiga UniversityGraduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto UniversityDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo UniversityGraduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Insitute of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe UniversityDepartment of Applied Chem-istry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio UniversityDepartment of Applied Chem-istry, Tokyo University of ScienceFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido UniversityDepartment of Bioengineering, Graduate School of Engineering,The University of TokyoLaboratory of Evolutional Chemical Safety Assessment System, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of TokyoConstruction of Highly Ordered Hybrid Nanoparticles/clusters within Nano-sized Self-assembled Complexes(Project 2018)Development of fabrication method for terahertz waveguides by using 3D printer and supercritical fluid deposi-tion (Project 2018)Assistant ProfessorLecturerDevelopment of Subnano-sized Rice-ball Transition Metal Clusters(Project 2018)ProfessorUnderstanding of glass structure and physical property correlation by high field NMR and high resolution XRF(Project 2018)Development of new persistent phos-phors based on the constructed vacuum referred binding energy diagram of 3d transition metal ions (Project 2018)Proposition and demonstration of ultrastabilization mechanism of glassy state applicable to bulk materials(Project 2018)ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorCreation of polyurethane derivatives with centipede structure for biomedical application (Project 2018)ProfessorDevelopment of metal-free highly-conductive materials using a conduc-tive polymer/graphene complex(Project 2018)Quantitative imaging of accumulated external stimuli by using layered organic compounds (Project 2018)Creation of Metal Cluster Supported Catalyst for the Effective Use of Methane (Project 2018)Biosynthetic studies on sponge-derived bioactive natural products(Project 2018)Development of nanomedicines bearing boronic acid derivatives targeting both cancer cells and cancer stem cells (Project 2018)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorProject Associate ProfessorDevelopment of olfactory receptor based biosensors (Project 2018)
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