
llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL【Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects】【Research Encouragement Grants】【Continuation Grants for Young Researchers】【Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects】15Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2020)60Toru MATSUURA61Youtarou TAKAHASHI62Tomoyasu TANIYAMA63Noriko TAKIYAMA64Mitsuhiro SAITO65Shigeo NAKANO66Yusuke NAKAJIMADepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, National Institute of Technol-ogy, Fukui CollegeDepartment of Applied Physics and Quantum Phase Electronics Center, The University of TokyoDepartment of Physics,Graduate School of Science, Nagoya UniversityDepartment of Architecture and Building Engineering,Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Institute of Technol-ogy, Fukushima CollegeGraduate School of Human Life Science, Osaka City UniversityDepartment of Urban Design and Planning, School of Architecture, Kogakuin UniversityDevelopment of new quantum devices united electrical crystals and nano-mechanical oscillators (Project 2018)Associate ProfessorDevelopment of nonlinear optical effect in terahertz region on frustrated magnets (Project 2019)Associate ProfessorProfessorDevelopment of Multiferroic Magnon-ics (Project 2017)Relationship between Restoring Force and Arrangement of Fitting Type Joint of Traditional Wooden Structure (Project 2018)Associate ProfessorAn aproach to the sustainable urban renewal through maintenance of restoration and reconstruction urban areas and construct complementary relationship between urban areas in the Hamadori area of Fukushima prefecture (Project 2018)ProfessorThe relationship between automobile industry and city planning -a case study on Toyota, Subaru and Daihatsu company town- (Project 2016)ProfessorDevelopment of safe, health and eco watching system for promoting self-help and mutual assistance of people and houses (Project 2017)ProfessorNatural Sciences Category 3: Architecture & Urban Engineering

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