
5622小早川 高KoKOBAYAKAWA小穴 英廣Hidehiro OANA嗅覚誘導性低体温を制御する分子メカニズムの解明と人工冬眠・低体温療法への応用 (2017採択)Molecular mechanisms of olfactory-mediated hypothermia and its application to artificial hibernation and therapeutic hypothermia(Project 2017)クロマチン折り畳み構造制御によるDNA複製制御とエピゲノム解析への応用 (2017採択)Regulation of DNA duplication by controlling chromatin folded structure and its application to epigenetic analysis(Project 2017)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2020)compensate such entropic cost to drive the reaction. These results would provide useful information to achieve the objective of this project.先天的恐怖は危機状況での生命保護能力を統合誘導するように進化した.従って,強い恐怖知覚は特殊な生命保護状態を誘導する可能性があるが,そのような現象とその誘発因子は未解明である.本研究では,TRPA1アゴニストであるチアゾリン類恐怖臭(tFO)が,冬眠に似た全身性低体温・低代謝を誘導することを発見した.tFO刺激は免疫機能の全般が抑制される冬眠とは対照的に,自然免疫機能を増強しながらも強力な抗炎症作用を発揮する危機対応免疫状態を誘導した.tFOによる強い危機知覚は,低体温,低代謝,危機免疫を特徴とする危機応答モードに全身状態を移行させることで,潜在的な生命保護効果を最大化させる.Innate fear has evolved to orchestrate protective effects in life-threatening situations. Thus, strong fear percep-tion may induce a specialized life-protective metabolism; however, such phenomena and their inducers are yet to be elucidated. Here, we report that thiazoline-related fear odors (tFOs), which are TRPA1 agonists and in-duce robust innate fear in mice, induced hibernation-like systemic hypothermia/hypometabolism. In contrast to hibernation, during which immune functions are generally suppressed, tFO-stimulation induced a crisis-re-sponse immune state characterized by potentiated innate immune functions but suppressed inflammation with anti-hypoxic ability. tFO-induced strong crisis perception maximizes latent life-protective effects by shifting metabolism to a crisis response mode characterized by hypothermia, hypometabolism and crisis immunity.エピゲノム解析において,DNAやヒストンの化学修飾情報の獲得と同時に,ゲノムDNAの折り畳み構造多型とその経時変化についての情報を得ることは,現在主流の方法では原理的に困難となっている.そこで本研究では,蛍光顕微鏡下,マイクロ流体デバイス中で個々の細胞から染色体を取り出し,取り出された個々の染色体/クロマチンに対し「その場」で2重らせん構造開裂とDNA複製とを単独で行えるDNAポリメラーゼを用いたDNA複製反応をリアルタイム観察する技術を開発した.この技術を用い,クロマチンの高次折り畳み構造と,このDNAポリメラーゼによるDNA複製活性との相関を明らかにすることに取り組んだ.By the current epigenome analysis methods, in principle, it is difficult to obtain the correlation between infor-mation on the folding structural polymorphism of genomic DNA and its temporal change with the acquisition of the chemical modification information of DNA and histone. In this study, we developed the method to iso-late individual chromosomes from individual cells in a microfluidic device under a fluorescence microscope, performed “in situ” real time observation of the DNA replication reaction using a DNA polymerase which can carry out double helix denaturation and DNA replication by itself. Using this technique, we worked on clari-fying the correlation between the higher-order folding structure of chromatin and the DNA replication activity of this DNA polymerase.

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