
249中村 彩乃感温性高分子を用いた遮光性ゲルフィルムの開発 Ayano NAKAMURA皆川 真規10Maki MINAKAWA(2018採択)Development of light-shielding gel film with temperature-responsive polymer(Project 2018)環境調和型ヘテロ環骨格の合成と機能性ヘテロ環化合物への展開 (2018採択)A Novel Synthesis of Environmentally Friendly Heterocyclic Structures and Development of Functional Heterocyclic Compounds(Project 2018)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2020)portant. In this study, we examined how much TTA efficiency will be improved by making use of the toroidal interaction in hexaarylbenzene scaffold.夏場のエネルギー消費量を減らすためには,室温上昇を抑える必要がある.その対策として,窓から入る太陽光による日射量の制御が重要である.本研究では,感温性高分子を含むゲルシートを作製し,遮光および遮熱効果を調査した.感温性高分子であるヒドロキシプロピルセルロース(HPC)ゲルシートは,相転移温度を約30℃に持ち,30℃未満では日射透過率が75 %と高い一方,30℃を超えると24 %まで低下した.さらに,小型のモデルハウスの外部から赤外線を照射したとき,窓にHPCゲルシートを設置することで室温上昇を抑制できることが分かった.従って,HPCゲルシートは夏場の日射量を制御できるため,エネルギー消費量の削減が期待される.It is necessary to suppress the rise in room temperature in order to reduce energy consumption in summer. As a countermeasure, it is very important to control the amount of solar radiation from the sunlight that enters through the window. In this study, a gel sheet containing a temperature-responsive polymer was prepared, and its light-shielding and heat-shielding effects were investigated. Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), which is a temperature-responsive polymer, gel sheet has a phase transition temperature to 30ºC. Below 30ºC, the solar radiation transmittance is 75 %, while decreased to 24 % above 30ºC. Additionally, when the infrared light was irradiated from the outside of small model house, it was found that the increase in room temperature was suppressed by setting the HPC gel sheet on the window. Hence, it is expected to reduce energy consumption since HPC gel sheet can control the amount of solar radiation in summer.へテロ環骨格は,生体活性物質や有機電子材料として重要な構成成分であり,その効率的な合成法の開発は重要である.本研究では,イリジウム触媒による芳香族アミンとジオールを用いた脱水的アルコールのN-アルキル化反応と分子内C-H活性化反応を経た直接的環化反応により,含窒素環化合物の合成に成功した.具体的には,アニリン類とジオール類をIrCl3触媒とrac-BINAP配位子存在下,165℃,18時間加熱攪拌することにより,テトラヒドロベンゾキノリジン誘導体を得ることに成功した.また,スカンジウム触媒を用いた芳香族チオールとジオールの直接的環化反応による含硫黄ヘテロ環の構築にも成功した.Heterocyclic structures are important building blocks for the synthesis of biologically active compounds and organic electronic materials. This time, we developed an iridium-catalyzed direct cyclization of aromatic amines with diols to generate the corresponding N-heterocyclic compounds through dehydrative N-alkylation with alcohol moieties and intramolecular C-H activation. Thus, the direct cyclization of anilines with diols using an IrCl3 catalyst with rac-BINAP as a ligand in mesitylene under conditions of 165■C for 18 h afforded the corresponding tetrahydrobenzoquinolizine derivatives. In additions, we also found that a scandium-cata-lyzed direct cyclization of aromatic thiols with diols to generate the corresponding sulfur heterocycles via catalytic C-S and subsequent C-C bond formation.

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