yrammuS 要概石川 大輔27Daisuke ISHIKAWA林 悠28Yu HAYASHI液液二相界面に構築した柔らかいDNA構造体膜における疎水性基質の低温触媒変換 (2018採択)Low-temperature catalytic conversion of hydrophobic substrates in soft DNA films constructed at the liquid-liquid interface(Project 2018)母と乳児の相互作用により誘導される乳児の特徴的な脳活動とその分子基盤の解析 (2018採択)Analyses of a characteristic brain activity induced in infant mice upon interaction with the mother(Project 2018)33Turn-ON response by adding DHFR in vitro. The probe was capable of visualizing DHFR expressed in living mammalian cells. We also developed artificial organelle which can be used as a place to condense fluores-cence probe. We found a chimeric protein forms micro-size condensate in cell.細胞のような,分子スケールからマイクロスケールにおよぶ階層的なシステムが動的に結びついたシステムを人工的に創ることは,学術的に究極的な目標の一つである.しかし,実際の細胞のように,外部からメカニカルストレスなどの刺激を受けて柔らかい空間が摂動する動的代謝システムの構築は未だ為されていない.本研究では,外力の影響を受けて摂動する細胞様システムを構築するために,その最小構成単位となるナノリアクターを開発した.The artificial creation of a system in which hierarchical systems such as cells ranging from molecular scale to microscale are dynamically linked is one of the ultimate academic goals. However, the construction of a dy-namic metabolic system in which a soft space is perturbed by an external stimulus such as mechanical stress like an actual cell has not yet been constructed. In this study, a nanoreactor was developed, which is the mini-mum building block for constructing a cell-like system that is affected by controlled external forces.乳児が抱えられると,おとなしくなり眠りに落ちやすくなることが経験的に知られている.ヒト以外の哺乳類の乳幼児でもよく似た反応が見られ,輸送反応と呼ばれる.私たちは,マウスの輸送反応の際に深い睡眠時とよく似た脳活動があらわれることを発見した.本研究では,この乳幼児期に見られる反応のメカニズムの解明に取り組んだ.Cre依存的な遺伝学機能阻害の手法により,輸送反応に関わる神経細胞群を同定することに成功した.さらに,輸送反応に関わると考えられる前庭反射と睡眠制御の双方に関わる脳部位を同定することに成功した.さらに,輸送反応に関わる分子の同定へ向けて,輸送反応に影響を及ぼす化合物を探索し,複数同定することに成功した.これらの発見により,輸送反応のメカニズムの理解が大きく進むものと期待される.It is known that when an infant is held, he/she becomes calm and easily falls asleep. A similar reaction is seen in infants of mammals other than humans, and it is called the transport response. We found that during the transport reaction in infant mice, a brain activity pattern similar to that during deep sleep appears. In this study, we sought to elucidate the underlying neuronal mechanisms. First, we searched for neuronal groups that cause an abnormal transport response when functionally inhibited. Next, we searched for brain regions related to both vestibular reflex and sleep control. Furthermore, in order to identify the molecules involved in the transport reaction, we searched for compounds that affect the transport response.Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2020)
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