36佐藤 和秀33Kazuhide SATO溝口 博之34Hiroyuki MIZOGUCHI近赤外蛍光体フタロシアニンと抗体の融合による,光を用いた小細胞肺がん,大細胞肺がんに対する新規治療法の開発 (2018採択)Development of new photo-targeted therapy against SCLC and LCNEC with the combination of mAbs and near-infrared dye phthalocyanine (Project 2018)精神薬理学と計算行動科学の融合によるストレス社会を生き抜くやる気スイッチの脳内神経回路の解明 (2018採択)Elucidation of motivational neural circuitry to survive in a stressful society using both psychopharmacological and computational approaches (Project 2018)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2020)本研究では,やる気の行動科学的解析とやる気行動におけるオレキシン神経系の役割について検討した.報酬に対する動機づけとしてギャンブル試験とタッチスクリーン式弁別試験を用いることで,やる気(動機づけ行動)を検証できるシステムを構築した.また,orexin-Creラットを用いて,オレキシン神経特異的に Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADD) を発現させ,報酬に対する動機づけ行動におけるオレキシン神経の役割を検討したところ,オレキシン神経の活性化は行動選択や諦めない行動といった報酬に対する動機づけ行動に影響することを見つけた.以上より,オレキシン神経はやる気に関わる神経回路の一旦を担う可能性が示された. Orexin neurons regulate physiological functions, including not only energy homeostasis and wakefulness, but also motivated behaviors. These neurons seem to play important roles in linking metabolic need to motivated behaviors via the dopaminergic system. In this study, we examined the roles of orexin neurons in reward mo-tivation and analyze the changes in motivated behaviors when orexin neurons are manipulated using pharma-cogenetic and optogenetic approaches. We found that activated orexin neurons affect motivational processes, and may alter strategy in reward-based choice behavior.小細胞肺癌(Small Cell Lung Cancer: SCLC)は肺癌の約15%を占める高悪性度の腫瘍である.進展型で発見されることが多く,限られた治療手段しかなく予後が悪い.一方,大細胞癌は,2%程度を占める稀な肺がんで,大細胞神経内分泌腫瘍(Large Cell Neuroendcrine Cancer: LCNEC)ともよばれ,治療法が定まっていない.今回,小細胞癌,神経内分泌大細胞肺癌の新しいターゲットとして注目されるDLL3をターゲットとした近赤外光線免疫療法を開発し,その効果を検討することとした.新規治療法として確立できれば,20年ぶりの新治療となり得る.Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a high-grade tumor that accounts for about 15% of lung cancers. It is often found in a progressive form and has a poor prognosis due to limited therapeutic means. On the other hand, large cell cancer is a rare lung cancer that accounts for about 2%, and is also called large cell neuroendcrine cancer (LCNEC), and the treatment method has not been determined. This time, we have developed a near-infrared ray immunotherapy targeting DLL3, which is attracting attention as a new target for small cell cancer and neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer, and examined its effect. If established as a new treatment method, it could be the first new treatment in 20 years.
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