yrammuS 要概坂東 麻衣59Mai BANDO松浦 徹60Toru MATSUURA最適軌道のスパース性に着目した宇宙機の軌道設計 (2018採択)Optimal design of spacecraft trajectory based on sparsity (Project 2018)電子結晶とナノ機械振動子を組み合わせた新規量子デバイスの構築 (2018採択)Development of new quantum devices united electrical crystals and nano-mechanical oscillators (Project 2018)49Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2020)本論文では,三体問題における燃料最小化問題を考え,燃料最小解の構造を明らかにする.まず線形化された軌道遷移問題は目的関数と拘束条件が凸集合で与えられるスパース最適制御問題として定式化される.不安定な力学系に対して長い飛行時間での遷移の最適化を数値的に可能とするため力学系の標準形を導入する.次に,提案手法を平衡点周りの軌道遷移,周期軌道間の軌道遷移に適用する.得られた結果から最適軌道の性質を明らかにする.This paper considers the fuel optimal problem in the three-body problem and reveal the structure of the fuel optimal solution. First, the optimal transfer problem for a linearized system is formulated as a sparse optimal control problem where the objective function and constraints are given by convex sets. For the systems in-cluding unstable dynamics, a normal form is introduced to enable numerical calculations for a long time transfer. Then, the proposed method is applied to several transfer problems around equilibrium points or peri-odic orbits. Furthermore, exploiting the obtained solution, the feature of the optimal solution is revealed. 私達は,低温で電荷密度波(CDW)状態に相転移する擬一次元性導体を用いた微小電気機械系(MEMS)デバイスの研究を行っている.CDW状態では,電子が集団励起するCDWスライディング電流が流れるが,その電流が機械的な振動を励起することが報告されている.しかし,CDWと機械振動との相互作用は明らかではない.本研究では,擬一次元導体の結晶をMEMS構造に微細加工し,機械的振動の検出をCDWスライディング電流で行うことを目指す.CDWが直接機械振動から影響を受けることが明らかになれば,通常のシリコン(Si)半導体をベースとしたMEMSより高感度の力の測定が可能な新しい量子デバイスとなる.これまでに,微細加工のための簡易マスクレスフォトリソグラフィの立ち上げと,MEMSデバイス用の電気測定系の構築を行った.We have investigated micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) devices with quasi one-dimensional con-ductors showing charge-density-wave (CDW) transitions at low temperatures. It was reported that CDW slid-ing current, a flow of collectively excited electrons, could induce a mechanical oscillation. But the interaction between CDW and mechanical oscillation has been unclear yet. In this research, we aim to fabricate the CDW materials to MEMS structures and investigate to detect mechanical oscillations via the CDW sliding current. If it is clear that the CDW is affected by the mechanical oscillations directly, it would be applied to a new type of quantum devices with higher precision than that of the ordinal Si-based MEMS devices. We have performed to develop a mask-less photolithography system and electrical measurement systems for MEMS devices.
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