
yrammuS 要概多幾山法子63Noriko TAKIYAMA齊藤 充弘64Mitsuhiro SAITO伝統木造躯体における嵌合型接合部のポジショニングと復元力の発現 (2018採択)Relationship between Restoring Force and Arrangement of Fitting Type Joint of Traditional Wooden Structure(Project 2018)福島県浜通り地域を対象とした復旧・復興市街地の形成と相補関係を構築した持続可能な市街地整備に関する研究 (2018採択)An aproach to the sustainable urban renewal through maintenance of restoration and reconstruction urban areas and construct complementary relationship between urban areas in the Hamadori area of Fukushima prefecture (Project 2018)51Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2020)本研究は,伝統木造建物の耐震性を評価するにあたり,地震応答解析に必要なバネ6成分に与える復元力を明確に示すことや,柱−差鴨居接合部の仕口形状,プロポーションや隣接架構の特徴の違いによって,架構全体の復元力に与える影響を把握するための一連の実験を実施したものである.(a)横栓車知継ぎ接合部の引抜試験,2方向の曲げ試験を実施し,バネ3成分の力学特性を明らかにし,評価式の提案をした.(b)4種類の仕口形状の試験体の柱−差鴨居接合部の曲げ試験を実施し,様々なパラメタの違いによって生じる復元力の差異を明らかにし,評価式の提案,シミュレーションを実施した.(c)隣接架構の性質が異なる場合に差鴨居架構が受ける影響を確認するため,2スパン実大差鴨居架構実験を実施した.In this study, we clearly showed the restoring force that applied to the six spring components which are nec-essary for seismic response analysis in evaluating the seismic resistance of traditional wooden buildings. In addition, we performed a series of experiments to understand the effect on the restoring force of the entire frame due to the differences in the joint shape of column-Sashigamoi joint or the proportions and characteris-tics of adjacent frames. (a) We performed pull-out test and two-direction bending test of Yokosenshachitsugi, clarified the mechanical characteristics of the three spring components, and proposed an evaluation formula. (b) Bending tests was performed on four types of the column-Sashigamoi joint specimens to clarify the differ-ence in restoring force due to the differences in various parameters. We also proposed evaluation formulas and performed simulation analysis. (c) A frame experiment of two-span full-scale Sashigamoi frame was per-formed to confirm the effect on the Sashigamoi frame when the properties of adjacent frames were different.本研究は,東日本大震災による原発事故発生に伴い,原発立地地域からの避難者やその復旧・復興事業に取り組む多くの関係者や機関を受け入れた福島県いわき市を対象として,市街地の変化より都市計画に与える影響を明らかにすることを目的としている.いわき市としての復旧・復興期とともに進んだ人口の増加は,市内各地に分散して住宅団地を形成した.また,既成市街地内の既存住宅への入居や新規住宅の建設,郊外での住宅地拡大により人口が増加する一方,中心市街地においては空洞化が進行して従来からの課題が継続するなど,多様な土地利用変化パターンとして表れており,人口と土地利用の変化に相補関係を構築することができていない実態が明らかとなった. The purpose of this study is to clearify changes of urban area in Iwaki city Fukushima prefecture where ac-cepted many evacuees, workers and organaizations those participate in recovery and reconstruction business after Great East Japan Earthquake. The increase in population along with the recovery and reconstruction pe-riod of Iwaki city has formed housing complex scattered throughout the city. Through new home construction in urban area and suburbs, the population has increased. But conventional problem that is hollowing out of the central urban area is continuing, several change patterns of land use are there. So it has cleared that it is difficult to construct mutual complementary relationship between population and land use.

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