
52中野 茂夫65Shigeo NAKANO中島 裕輔66Yusuke NAKAJIMA自動車産業の展開と都市計画:トヨタ町・スバル町・ダイハツ町の企業城下町形成史 (2016採択)The relationship between automobile industry and city planning -a case study on Toyota, Subaru and Daihatsu company town-(Project 2016)人と住まいの自助・共助促進のための安全・健康・エコ見守りシステムの開発 (2017採択)Development of safe, health and eco watching system for promoting self-help and mutual assistance of people and houses(Project 2017)旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2020)本研究は,わが国の高度経済成長を牽引した自動車産業を事例として取り上げ,工業開発と都市計画について明らかにすることを目的としている.工業化の影響が顕在化する企業城下町を取り上げて分析した結果,工業開発と都市計画との関係性は,都市規模に対応していたことが明らかとなった.最小規模の池田の場合,産業に関連する特定のインフラが整備されるにとどまっていた.中規模の太田では,新興工業都市計画が策定され,その枠組みのなかで工業開発としてのインフラ整備が展開された.最大規模の豊田では,トヨタの事業が拡大するにつれて都市計画も更新されていった.最終的には,環状の工業地帯が造成され,旧市街地との間には緩衝緑地帯となるパークシステムが構築されたほか,住宅地整備のために住居専用地区が近隣住区を構成するなど,質の高い都市計画が展開されていたことが明らかとなった.The purpose of this study is to clarify the industrial development and urban planning, case study on the auto-mobile industry that has driven the high economic growth of Japan. As a result of analyzing the company town where the influence of industrialization becomes apparent, it became clear that the relationship between industrial development and city planning corresponded to the city scale. In the case of the smallest Ikeda, Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. company town, only the specific infrastructure related to industry was developed. In medium-sized Ota, Subaru Co., Ltd. company town, newly industrial city plan was formulated during W.W.II and the infrastructure development for industrial development was developed within that framework. In the case of the largest Toyota, Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. company town, the city plan was updated as Toyota's busi-ness expanded. Eventually, a ring-shaped industrial zone was created around city, a park system was con-structed between the old urban area and a buffer green zone, and an exclusive district for residential use con-stituted the neighborhood unit for the purpose of developing residential areas. It became clear that a high-quality city plan had been developed.核家族化が進み,独居高齢者も増加している現代社会では,災害時のみならず,熱中症や風邪の予防など日常的な安全・健康の確保にも,本人の気づきと家族や周囲の見守りによる自助・共助の仕組みが必要と言える.一方,住宅の空き家問題や改修需要の拡大とともに,インスペクションの評価手法の確立が課題となっており,今後は,構造の安全性だけでなく,住まいを長く健康かつエコに維持する視点が不可欠である.本研究は,人の安全と健康を守り,その住まいを省エネで長持ちさせるために,室内環境情報は居住者に速やかに分かりやすく伝え,住宅の診断結果などの耐久性に関わる情報は設計者や施工業者と共有できるような一体型の見える化システムの開発を行い,その有用性の検証を行ったものである.In a modern society in which the number of elderly people living alone is increasing due to the advancement of nuclear families, not only in the event of a disaster, but also in ensuring daily safety and health such as the prevention of heat stroke and colds It can be said that a system of self-help and mutual assistance by watching is necessary. On the other hand, along with the issue of unoccupied houses and the demand for renovation, the establishment of inspection evaluation methods has become an issue. From now on, not only the safety of the

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