
yrammuS 要概中川 聡75Satoshi NAKAGAWAヒトデは普遍的にヒト病原菌近縁種を宿しているか 〜本州特定第三種漁港の一斉調査〜 (2018採択)Do starfish species commonly host human pathogen relatives? −survey of core fishing ports on Honshu−(Project 2018)57Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2020)るアジアゾウは年齢階によって系統的に管理されており,活動期には休息の確保が重要視されている.集材作業に従事するのは早朝の数時間のみであり,集材が終わると休息時間となりリリースされる.GPS軌跡計測の結果,休息時はベースキャンプから数百mの距離にいることがわかった.林業生態系におけるアジアゾウとの共生には,水辺環境と採餌環境が重要であり,これらの長期的な保全が求められる. This study evaluated activities and moving behavior of Asian elephants that have used for skidding operation since about 160 years ago in Myanmar. Elephants can avoid felling down the residual trees during moving for skidding of logs, and such elephant behavior contributes lower impact forestry as compared with the other tropical countries where machine skidding causes severe residual tree damage and soil disturbance. Elephants used for skidding are managed systematically based on age classes and providing enough rest time during working is considered the one of the most important cares for the elephants. The elephants work only for a few hours in the early morning and they are released into forest after working. GPS tracking revealed that the range of elephant moving during free time is a few hundred meters from the base camp. It is very critical to ensure and conserve water resources and food resources for long-term co-existence with elephants in Myan-mar forestry ecosystems.海洋性無脊椎動物は多様な微生物と共に生きている.棘皮動物においては,微生物は消化管や体表だけでなく,体腔液,すなわち体腔を満たす液体の中にも棲息している.体腔液に棲み着く微生物は,宿主の健康状態に影響を及ぼす可能性がある.本研究において,我々は日本の主要な漁港に生息するヒトデ類を採取し,体腔液に生息する微生物の群集構造を解析した.ヒトデ体腔液中の微生物群集構造は,ヒトデの個体毎に大きく異なったが,多数のアカヒトデ目のヒトデにおいて,体腔液中にSpirochaetes目の微生物が優占することが明らかとなった.また,Terrabacteriaグループの微生物は,アカヒトデ目やマヒトデ目のヒトデに優占して検出された.本研究は,沿岸域に生息する棘皮動物の体腔液微生物について初めての包括的知見である.Marine invertebrates associate with a diversity of microorganisms. In case of echinoderms, microorganisms inhabit, not only digestive tract and body surface, but also the coelomic fluid (CF), namely, the fluid filling the main body cavity. The microbiota in coelomic fluids potentially impacts host health and disease. Here, we analysed the coelomic fluids microbiota in various coastal starfish species collected from major fishing ports of Japan. Although microbial community structures were highly variable among individual starfish, many in-dividuals of Valvatida starfish harboured unique microorganisms in the coelomic fluids, which was often dom-inated by members of the phylum Spirochaetes. Additionally, members of the phylum Terrabacteria group were found to dominate in coelomic fluids of some Valvatida and Forcipulatida starfish. This study provides the first comprehensive insight into the diversity of coelomic fluid microbiota of echinoderms in coastal area.

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