
yrammuS 要概89Sompit Wanwong90Tassaneewan Laksanasopin91Adit KurniawanDevelopment of Thai Natural Textiles Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Energy Harvesting (Project 2019)A Smart Platform for Stroke Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb (Project 2019)Improved-Capacity and Spectrum-Efficient Wireless Access Network to Support Internet of Things in 5G/6G Wireless Communication Systems (Project 2019)63Textile-based triboelectric nanogenerators (T-TENGs) are of great interest due to their capability to power wearable electronic devices. Most of T-TENGs are fabricated from synthetic textiles, while natural textiles have been less employed. Therefore, we aim to develop methods to transform Thai cotton, silk, cotton/hemp and cotton/pineapple as triboelectric materials and to fabricate T-TENGs for energy harvesting application. In this project, we modified surface of textile using silane grafting and silver coating to obtain triboelectric materials. The modified textiles were characterized using FTIR, SEM-EDS, XPS and XRD. It was found that the T-TENG containing F-silk and CN-cotton/hemp produced the highest output voltage of 438.3 V. Whereas, T-TENG containing F-cotton and CN-silk produced the highest output current of 46.6 µA. The double stacked T-TENGs significantly improved output current to reach 84.9 µA, which can ligth up 100 LEDs, supporting that our T-TENG can be potentially used as a power source.This research aims to build a platform which can enhance and support physical therapy for stroke recovery patients by monitoring the improvement of muscle engagement in the upper limb. Since physical therapy may take a long time, patients tend to give up if they do not see any improvement. Having a tool that can easily provide information regarding their performance will boost up their hopes, for both patients and caretakers. Here we designed and developed an IOT device for muscle contraction measurement in the upper limb by using a sensor for electromyography. The signal is measured and sent to the mobile application controlled by an Arduino. The mobile application was developed to acquire data from the IOT device via Wi-Fi communication as well as to display data and collect other information from users. A dashboard was also developed to display processed data for doctors to monitor the progress of patients.The next evolving fifth generation (5G) wireless networks are envisioned to provide higher data rates, enhanced end-user quality-of-experience (QoE), reduced end-to-end latency, and lower energy consumption. This proposed research will investigate and propose several emerging technologies, which will enable high-capacity and spectrum-efficient access technology to support a larger number of users, devices, machines, which leads to the so called Internet of Things (IoT). The major research problems, which these new technologies breed, as well as the use of cognitive radio to increase throughput for primary and secondary user is also investigated. The output of this research : 1 article publication in a reputable international journal, and 2 publication in IEEE/Scopus indexed international conference proceedings.Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2020)

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