yrammuS 要概99Irwan IskandarYogi Wibisono Budhi100101Lilik Eko WidodoCO2 Release Related with Tectonic Activities and its Impact to Groundwater Chemistry, Challenge of Carbon Capture Storage and Atmospheric Environment (Project 2019)Synthesis and Characterization of Immobilized Lipase onto Cellulose Nanocrsytals for Biodiesel Production (Project 2019)Hydro-geotechnical Study of Liquefaction Potential in Bandung Basin - Learning from the Palu Earthquake (Project 2019)67Tectonic activity signature i.e. active faults are not related only with earthquake events, but may resulted hydro-geochemical changes. Faults, especially active faults could be as a conduit of fluids, release gasses from the deep subsurface to the groundwater and atmosphere. One indicator of the gasses ascending is the presence of radioactive gas anomalies such as radon. The existence of these gas generally coincides with the rise of CO2. During the ascending mechanism of gasses along the fault zone, there would be many hydro-geochemical reactions that occurred. The degassing process due to these activities produce partial CO2 gas, interact with groundwater and changes the groundwater chemistry. High anomaly radon along the Lembang Fault especially signified permeable zone and conduit for gas ascending. The results provide interesting findings regarding the depth and activities of the fault, where the fault appears do not only cut the quaternary volcanic deposits but also tertiary carbonate sediment. Furthermore, the permeable zone that formed along the fault zone can be a conduit for the release of carbon from the deep zone to the shallow groundwater and atmospheric environment.During this time, free fatty acids (FFA) which widely used in industries are produced from the hydrolysis of vegetable oils by the Colgate-Emery process which requires large amounts of energy. To overcome these problems, lipolysis was developed because it can takes place at low temperatures and pressures. Therefore, this study aims to immobilize lipase onto Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) to produce fatty acids from vegetable oil. The optimum immobilization conditions were obtained at enzyme loading of 1.5 mg, immobilization time of 2 hours, and the ratio of EDC:CNCs of 1:2.4 based on the highest enzyme activity, which was 6.72 µmol/min.mL with enzyme specific activity of 16,89 μmol/min.mg and immobilization yield of 0.56 mg lipase/mg CNCs. Afterwards, lipase/CNCs with optimum immobilization conditions have higher enzyme activity for palm oil substrate than olive oil. In lipolysis of palm oil into fatty acids, the performance of lipase/CNCs was still lower than free lipase even though it has been used 6 times.This is the first year report of the two years proposed research focusing for the first year on the Palu soil liquefaction due to the earthquake on September 28, 2018 that was judged by several experts, including one of the greatest ever. In this event there are strong indications, about the role of confined aquifer under the city of Palu in worsening the soil liquefaction, in the form of groundwater expel which is mostly thought to originate from the confined aquifer. This report presents the mechanism of the Palu soil liquifaction from the perspective of hydrogeomechanics. If this proves to be strong, then there are implications for engineering practices because the evaluation of soil liquefaction potential carried out currently in the geotechnical engineering generally only involves the role of shallow groundwater / unconfined aquifer and the role of soil layers not deeper than 30 meters from the ground surface, so it is necessary to complement an evaluation of a deep groundwater / confined aquifer response to the earthquake, especially if the deep groundwater is artesian with a relatively thin confining layer.Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2020)
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