【Continuation Grants for Young Researchers】【Research Encouragement Grants】【Research Grants for Sustainable Future, Proposed Research】【Research Encouragement Grants】61Takashi YATSUI62Hirokazu TAKAHASHI63Masahiro MAEDA64HongweiHSIAO 65Yukihiro MASUDA66Yasuyuki ISHIDA67Yosuke SHIGETOMI16Graduate School of Engineering, Toyohashi University of TechnologyGraduate School of Informa-tion Science and Technology, The University of TokyoGraduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto UniversityUrban Engineering Course, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City UniversityDepartment of Planning, Architecture and Environmen-tal Systems, College of Sys-tems Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Architecture and Building Science Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku UniversityGraduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki UniversityDevelopment of a highly sensitive biomagnetic sensor module using an optical near-field etching (Project 2017)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorArtificial neural network with sponta-neous activity (Project 2018)A research on revitalization methods of labour’s line house for sustainable development in the former tea planta-tion area : Reconstruction of environ-mental and social sustainability (Project 2016)Study on the effect on local community and revitalization process of accommo-dation facility using empty house in historical area (Project 2019)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDevelopment of integrated building monitoring system for business continuity to realize resilient buildings (Project 2019)ProfessorStudy on utilization of kinetic energy resources in an urban area for adapting to severe hot environment −Analysis of relationship between urban mor-phology and kinetic energy transport within the urban area and development of evaluation method for wind environ-ment− (Project 2020)Research AssociateInvestigation of global supply chains supporting sustainable consumption and production of palm oil(Project 2018)Associate ProfessorArchitecture & Urban EngineeringHumanity & Social Sciences
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