
78山本 拓矢Takuya YAMAMOTO山本 孟Hajime YAMAMOTO全共役構造の環状P3HTとカーボンナノチューブの自己組織化による新奇材料の創成(2019採択)Novel materials by self-assembly of fully conjugated cyclic P3HT and carbon nanotubes(Project 2019)二重K2NiF4型酸化物の開拓(2019採択)Investigations of double-K2NiF4-type oxides(Project 2019)25全π共役構造を有する環状高分子は,分子運動における対称性の変化に起因して直鎖状分子と異なる性質を有するため,新奇物性の発現が期待される.先行研究において,理想的な環状全π共役構造の構築を目的に,欠陥構造のない環状ポリ(3-ヘキシルチオフェン)(P3HT)の合成に成功し,溶液中での蛍光および吸収特性から励起子の状態について解析を行った.一方,導電性高分子において,酸化還元挙動は電子デバイスへの応用を目指す上で非常に重要である.そこで本研究では,欠陥構造のない環状P3HTの分子量に依存的な性質および酸化還元挙動の探索を行った.加えて,環状ポリチオフェンのさらなる機能化を目指して様々な側鎖を有する環状P3HTの合成を試みた.また,ドナー性の優れたP3HTとアクセプター性のカーボンナノチューブを複合化することで光電子機能材料の創出を目指した.Cyclic polymers with an all-π-conjugated structure are expected to exhibit novel physical properties because they have different properties from linear counterparts due to the symmetry in molecular motion. In a previ-ous study, we succeeded in synthesizing defect-free cyclic poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) to construct an ideal cyclic all-π-conjugated structure and analyzed the exciton state from fluorescence and absorption prop-erties in solution. On the other hand, the redox behavior of conductive polymers is very important for their application to electronic devices. In this study, we explored the molecular weight-dependent properties and redox behavior of defect-free cyclic P3HT. In addition, cyclic polythiophenes with various side chains were synthesized. Optoelectronic functional materials by compositing P3HT, which has excellent donor properties, with carbon nanotubes, which have acceptor properties, were also aimed.異なる物質を組み合わせ,単一の結晶構造中で異種元素を交互に配列させることで,新たな電子物性や機能が生まれる.世界には無数の結晶性物質が存在するため,異種元素を組み合わせて創り出せる物質の数は無限大である.本研究では,K2NiF4型構造およびその類縁構造であるペロブスカイト型構造における異種元素配列と異種元素の組み合わせに起因した新たな電子状態,そしてそれが生み出す物性と機能に関する研究を行った.主な成果として,①金属間の電荷移動に起因した極性構造制御,②温度変化だけで磁化反転する強磁性体,③超巨大な負熱膨張現象(温めると縮む物質)の可能性を発見した.New electronic properties and functions are created by combining different compounds and arranging their elements alternately in the crystal structure. Since there are innumerable crystalline compounds in the uni-verse, the number of samples that can be created is infinite. In this study, we have focused on the K2NiF4-type structure and its related one, the perovskite-type structure, and have studied their electronic properties and functions. The main findings were (1) control of a polar structure by an intermetallic charge transfer (2) tem-perature-controlled spontaneous magnetization swithching, and (3) the possibility of collosal negative ther-mal expansion.

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