
大村 智通15Toshimichi OHMURA磯野 拓也16Takuya ISONOsp3炭素-水素結合の高難度変換「C-H/C-H酸化的クロスカップリング」の開発(2019採択)Development of C-H/C-H Oxidative Cross-Coupling Based on Conversion of Inert sp3 Carbon-Hydrogen Bonds(Project 2019)植物原料由来ブロック共重合体の自己組織化を利用した微細構造炭素材料の精密合成(2019採択)Precise synthesis of nanoporous carbon materials by self-assembly of plant-derived block copolymers(Project 2019)29炭素-水素結合の触媒的直接変換は,炭化水素資源の有効活用や物質生産における廃棄物の軽減,合成の短行程化による省エネルギーの実現に直結する次世代の有機合成手法であり,有効な触媒や変換に適した分子構造に関する基盤的知見の蓄積が急務となっている.本研究では,sp3炭素-水素結合の触媒的変換における新概念創出を目的として,研究がほとんど進んでいなかった酸化的クロスカップリングに焦点を絞り,脱水素化とsp3炭素-水素結合の付加を鍵触媒過程とする炭素-炭素結合形成反応の開発に取り組んだ.その結果,分子内の二つのアルキル基間で炭素-炭素結合が形成され環状化合物を与える,新しいイリジウム触媒反応を見出した.The catalytic direct conversion of carbon–hydrogen bonds is considered to be a next-generation method of organic synthesis that will contribute to the utilization of hydrocarbon resources, the reduction of waste, and the energy conservation by shortening the synthetic processes. Therefore, there is an urgent need to accumu-late fundamental knowledge on effective catalysts for activation of carbon-hydrogen bonds as well as on suit-able molecular structures for conversion. In this research, we focused on exploring of oxidative cross-cou-pling to establish new concept on catalytic conversion of sp3 carbon-hydrogen bonds. We examined carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions involving catalytic dehydrogenation and sp3 carbon-hydrogen bond addition and found that new iridium-catalyzed reactions affording cyclic compounds through intramolecular carbon-carbon bond formation between two alkyl groups.糖鎖とテルペンからなる植物原料由来ブロック共重合体 (BCP) を新規に合成し,それらが形成するミクロ相分離構造を小角X線散乱測定により評価した.その結果,BCPの糖体積分率や分子量に応じて4〜8 nm周期の超微細なラメラ,へキサゴナルシリンダー,およびジャイロイド状ミクロ相分離構造を形成することが判明した.こうした超微細周期構造は様々なナノ構造材料を合成するためのテンプレートとして有用と考えられる.そこで,ミクロ相分離したBCPを不活性ガス雰囲気下,高温で加熱することで微細構造炭素材料の合成に挑戦した.熱分解によりテルペンブロックが分解除去されると同時に糖鎖ブロックが炭素化され,ミクロ相分離構造を反映したナノ構造を有する炭素材料が得られると期待した.Plant-derived block copolymers (BCPs) consisting of saccharide and terpene blocks were newly synthesized, and their microphase-separated structures were investigated through small angle X-ray scattering measure-ment. As a result, it was found that those BCPs formed ultrafine lamellar, hexagonal cylindrical, and gyroid microphase-separated structures with the periodicity of 4 – 8 nm depending on their saccharide volume frac-tion and molecular weight. Such ultrafine periodic nanostructures are highly promising as templates for syn-thesizing a variety of nanostructured materials. Thus, the microphase-separated BCPs were subjected to the thermal treatment under inert atmosphere to produce nanostructured carbon materials. We expected that car-bon material with a nanostructure reflecting the microphase-separated structure can be obtained through si-multaneous terpen block pyrolysis and saccharide block carbonization.

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