篠原 秀文23Hidefumi SHINOHARA笠井 淳司24Atsushi KASAI植物ペプチドホルモンRGFとその受容体の相互作用を介した根の継続的な成長機構の解明(2019採択)Research on the mechanisms of continuous root growth regulated by peptide hormone RGF and RGF receptors in plants(Project 2019)母体免疫活性と胎仔脳の相互作用に起因する社会性行動の異常に関わる全脳活動変化と分子基盤の解明(2019採択)Elucidation of neuronal activity change and molecular basis related to beharivoral abnormalities caused by the interaction between maternal immune activation and fetal brain (Project 2019)33the silent secondary metabolism. Co-cultivation of actinomycetes producing Streptomyces hormones with var-ious actinomycetes resulted in changes in the metabolite profiles of 18% of the actinomycetes tested in the study. Furthermore, the addition of antibiotics to the actinomycetes culture showed the alteration of the sec-ondary metabolism. These results suggested that the chemical signals of actinomycetes could be used to effi-ciently discover useful bioactive compounds.植物ペプチドホルモンRGFは,根端で特異的に発現し,同じく根端に発現する受容体に結合してリガンド-受容体ペアを形成する.RGFは転写因子PLTタンパク質の濃度勾配の維持を行うことで,根の継続的な成長を支えているが,RGFによるPLTタンパク質の濃度勾配の制御メカニズムは明らかになっていない.本研究ではRGFによるPLTタンパク質濃度勾配の形成・維持機構の解明を目的として,PLTタンパク質の濃度勾配形成に作用する低分子化合物のスクリーニングと同定,および化合物ターゲット探索に向けた構造活性相関解析とアフィニティータグ導入化合物の合成を行った.本研究で同定した化合物は RGFの情報伝達経路解明に有用なツールとなる.Plant peptide hormone RGF is specifically expressed at the root tip and directly binds to receptors to form a ligand-receptor pair. RGF maintains continuous root growth by maintaining a concentration gradient of the transcription factor PLT protein; however, the mechanism by which RGF regulates the concentration gradient of PLT proteins has not been clarified. In this study, to elucidate the mechanism of RGF-induced PLT concen-tration gradient formation and maintenance, we identified small-molecule compounds that act on forming PLT protein concentration gradients. We also conducted structure-activity relationship analysis and synthesis of affinity-tagged compounds to identify compound targets. Chemicals identified in this study will be valua-ble tools for elucidating the signal transduction pathway of RGF.自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)を含む精神疾患の総社会負担は甚大であり,日本における疾患別障害調整生命年では最も高いとされている.発達障害であるASDの発症率は,1〜2%と高いが,その発症原因は未だ不明であり,主な症状である社会性コミュニケーション障害を緩和する治療施策さえも極めて乏しいのが現状である.そこで本研究では,母体環境が胎仔脳障害に繋がるASDモデルマウスを用いて,他者との社会的な相互作用の障害に関わる脳の活動を網羅的に観察し,その神経メカニズムの一端を明らかにすることを目的にしている.Psychiatric disorders including autism spectrum disorders (ASD), impose an immense social burden. In par-ticular, the pathological mechanisms of ASD are little known and the treatments for core symptoms in social behaviors of ASD are extremely poor. In this study, we plan to comprehensively observe brain activity related to impaired social interaction using ASD model mice in which the maternal environment leads to fetal brain deficits, and to clarify the neural mechanisms involved.
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