
横川 隆司35Ryuji YOKOKAWA岩橋 崇36Takashi IWAHASHI腎臓近位尿細管モデルチップにおけるTEER計測と細胞機能の相関に関する研究(2020採択)The Relationship Between TEER Measurement and Cell Functions in an On-Chip Model for Kidney Proximal Tubules(Project 2020)電解液/電極界面の定量測定に基づくイオン吸着・脱離の過電圧計測技術の確立(2020採択)Quantitative evaluation of overpotential for ion adsorption/desorption at electrochemical interface(Project 2020)39ヒトの臓器機能をオンチップで再現するMicrophysiological Systems(MPS)の開発により,腎臓の機能を再構築することで各種薬剤の腎毒性を評価することは,動物実験を減らしたり,薬剤開発のコストを削減したりする上で重要である.しかし,腎臓MPSの開発は,他の臓器に比べ細胞リソースが少なく,構築したMPSの評価法が確立していないという問題から後れを取ってきた.そこで,本研究では,腎臓の近位尿細管における尿から血液へのアルブミン再吸収機能等をオンチップで再構成し,その細胞機能と経上皮電気抵抗(TEER)の相関を明らかにすることで,腎機能評価を簡便に行う腎臓MPSを開発する.The development of Microphysiological Systems (MPS), which are on-chip reproductions of human organ functions, to evaluate the nephrotoxicity of various drugs by reconstructing kidney functions is important for reducing animal experiments and the cost of drug development. However, the development of kidney MPS has lagged due to the lack of cell resources compared to other organs and the lack of established evaluation methods for the constructed MPS. In this study, we will reconstruct the albumin reabsorption from urine to blood and other functions in the proximal tubules of the kidney on-chip and clarify the correlation between the cellular functions and transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) to develop a kidney MPS for easy eval-uation of renal functions.電解液/電極界面は電気化学反応場として機能する根源的なナノ領域であり,当該界面に形成される電気二重層(EDL)は系の電気化学特性を支配する.これまでEDL構造は古典的な理論モデルに基づく系の電気化学解析にて検討されてきたが,近年既存モデルでは考慮されないイオン吸着・脱離の過電圧がEDL構造の電位応答にヒステリシスを生じ,系の電気化学特性に寄与することが報告された.これは過去のEDLモデル解析の妥当性を揺るがす事実であり,より正確なEDL構造の電位応答の理解には前例のない過電圧の定量評価が必要不可欠である.本研究では界面敏感な振動分光と理論モデル解析を組み合わせることでイオン吸着・脱離過電圧の定量計測技術の確立を目指した.Ion adsorption/desorption at electrolyte/electrode interfaces is of fundamental importance in electrochemistry due to its critical role in the electrochemical reactions. Electric double layer (EDL) models based on Pois-son-Boltzmann equations, such as Gouy-Chapman-Stern (GCS) model, have been well-established for pre-dicting the potential response of electrolyte/electrode interface structure. On the other hand, ion adsorption/desorption hysteresis, which cannot be explained by conventional EDL models, has been observed at various electrolyte/electrode interfaces. Such hysteresis behavior indicates the presence of overpotentials for ion ad-sorption/desorption processes. In this study, we examined the overpotentials of anion adsorption/desorption processes at the electrolyte/ electrode interfaces by combining infrared-visible sum-frequency generation (IV-SFG) vibrational spectroscopy and EDL models.

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