
52八井 崇61Takashi YATSUI高橋 宏知62Hirokazu TAKAHASHI近接場光エッチングによる超高感度生体磁気センサモジュールの開発(2017採択)Development of a highly sensitive biomagnetic sensor module using an optical near-field etching(Project 2017)自発活動する人工ニューラルネットワークの開発(2018採択)Artificial neural network with spontaneous activity(Project 2018)これまでに開発した近接場光エッチングをダイヤモンド窒素欠陥(Nitrogen Vacancy: NV)に応用することで,微弱な磁場を非侵襲かつ冷媒フリーに計測可能とする究極のダイヤモンド生体磁気センサの開発を行った.ダイヤモンドNV基板をレーザ媒質として利用したダイヤモンドNVレーザ実現のため,ダイヤモンドNV基板を近接場光エッチングにより平滑化し,ダイヤモンドNVからの誘導放出の観測に成功した.また,ダイヤモンドNVをセンサヘッドとして組み込んだセンサーモジュールの開発を行い,高感度磁気感度が得られることを実証した.I have developed the near-field etching technique to improve the performance of the diamond NV material. I have applied to the near-field etching technique to the diamond NV substrate. I have succeeded to observe the stimulated spontaneous emission from the diamond NV. In addition, I have developed a novel magnetometer that employs negatively charged NV (NV-) centers in diamond, to detect the magnetic field generated by magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) for biomedical applications. The compact probe system was integrated into a fiber-optics platform allowing for a compact design, resulting the minimum detectable AC magnetic field was approximately 57.6 nT for one second measurement time.脳は,外部刺激を全く受けなくとも,常に自発活動を生じている.本研究では,自発活動に注目して,脳の情報処理のメカニズムを探求した.具体的には,高密度CMOS電極アレイ上で神経細胞を分散培養し,その神経回路を可視化し,時空パターンのダイナミクスを考察した.また,リザバー計算の枠組みを利用して,神経回路の情報処理容量の定量化を試みた.従来のリザバー計算の理論は準静的な安定状態(エコステート性)を前提とするが,この前提を満たさない脳でも適切な定量化を実現するために,情報処理容量の拡張方法を提案した.これらの研究の結果から,次世代人工ニューラルネットワークに自発活動を実装する意義を考察した.The brain always displays spontaneous activities even when no external stimulus is delivered. The present study aims to better understand the computation mechanism in the spontaneously active brain. We investigat-ed neuronal dissociate culture on a high-density CMOS electrode array to visualize the neural circuit and ex-amine the dynamics of spatio-temporal neural patterns. We also attempted to quantify the information pro-cessing capacity (IPC) of neuronal system with a framework of reservoir computing theory. Extended IPCs were then proposed to quantify the neural system, which did not meet the assumption in the conventional theory that a given dynamical system should exhibit a quasi-static state, or the echo-state property. These re-sults offer some implications about critical roles of spontaneous activities in the next-generation neural net-work.

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