
前田 昌弘63Masahiro MAEDA蕭 閎偉64HongweiHSIAO旧紅茶農園地域の持続を支える労働者長屋の再生計画・技術に関する研究 −環境的サステナビリティと社会的サステナビリティの再構築−(2016採択)A research on revitalization methods of labour’s line house for sustainable development in the former tea plantation area : Reconstruction of environmental and social sustainability (Project 2016)歴史的市街地における空き家物件活用型宿泊施設の改修・活用プロセス及び周辺地域に対する影響・効果に関する研究(2019採択)Study on the effect on local community and revitalization process of accommodation facility using empty house in historical area(Project 2019)53スリランカの紅茶産業を支えてきた旧プランテーションに現存する,築140年以上の労働者長屋を対象として,居住者の生活の継続を前提とした再生計画・技術を検討・実施し,効果を検証した.長屋における暮らしの履歴を踏まえて空間を復元・再編し,その有効性を利用者の生活行動や温熱環境の測定を通じて明らかにした.また,長屋を拠点した地域ツーリズムの導入の効果を,長屋を中心とする人的交流や資源の循環という観点から明らかにした.一連の取り組みを通じて,異なる文化が混淆する長屋の建築文化が明らかとなり,また,環境的サステナビリティおよび社会的サステナビリティに対応した形での長屋再生の一つのモデルを示せたと考える.This study examines the effectiveness of a regeneration plan and technology based on the continuity of life of the inhabitants of a 140-year-old workers' line house on a former plantation that supported the tea industry in Sri Lanka. Based on the history of life in the line house, the space was restored and reorganized, and its effec-tiveness was clarified through the measurement of usersʼ behavior and the thermal environment. In addition, the effect of introducing regional tourism based on line houses was clarified from the viewpoint of human ex-change and circulation of resources around line houses. Through these practices, the architectural culture of line houses, which is a mixture of different cultures, has been clarified, and a model for the regeneration of line houses in a way that responds to environmental sustainability and social sustainability has been presented.近年,我が国における歴史的町並みを有する「歴史的市街地」において,増加する歴史ある空き家物件が活用されておらず,地域固有の景観資源が失われつつあると指摘されている.この背景の中,大阪,奈良や京都など関西多くの地域では,近年観光客の増加に対する宿泊施設の不足に対応すべく,空き家を改修・活用したゲストハウスなどの「空き家物件活用型宿泊施設」の開業が相次いでいる.一方,空き家物件活用型宿泊施設の存在は,多くの利用客をもたらし,周辺地域,店舗や住民に対して大きな影響を与えていると考えられる.本研究では大阪,奈良や京都の歴史的市街地の事例分析から,空き家物件活用型宿泊施設の現状と課題を明らかにした.The increasing number of vacant houses in historic urban areas causes a loss of traditional landscape resourc-es in the cities of Japan. In this context, several vacant historical houses have been renovated and introduced as accommodation facilities, such as guest houses, in many cities of the Kansai region such as Osaka, Nara, and Kyoto in response to the recent increase in tourism-related demand. Many such facilities are now being launched. The presence of accommodation facilities utilizing vacant historical houses could attract numerous visitors to urban centers and could exert a substantial impact on surrounding areas, stores, and residents. This study performed case analyses of historical urban areas in Osaka, Nara, and Kyoto to illuminate the current situation and issues pertaining to accommodation facilities created in vacant historical houses.

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