
Grandprix Thomryes Marth KADJA9899Afriyanti SUMBOJA100Taufiq HIDAYATSmart Porous Nanostructured Silica for Controlled Drug Deliver(Project 2020)Magnesium-air battery with seawater electrolyte for seawater-activated batteries application(Project 2020)Achieving Zero Waste in Alumina Industry: Development of High Temperature Processing of Bauxite Residue(Project 2020)68Encapsulation of potent drugs within porous nanostructured materials has gained much attention since it offers controllable drug delivery with increased efficacy and reduced side effects. In this case, the porous nanostructured materials play a role as nanocarriers which should possess remarkable physicochemical properties, i.e., high surface area and pore volume, easy and flexible surface modification, tunable size, and decent biocompatible. These requirements are exhibited by porous nanostructured silica (PNS) whose internal architecture comprises pores within mesoscale (2 – 50 nm). There several pore architectures of PNS, e.g. fibrous dendritic nanosilica (KCC-1) and ordered mesoporous silica (MCM-41) which display different pore architectures. The former exhibits an open pore-channel while the latter has a close pore-channel. Our study shows that organosilane-functionalized KCC-1 allows faster drug (amoxicillin) release than that of organosilane-functionalized MCM-41 (around 50% faster). The tuning of the interior architecture of PNS could be an effective way to control the drug release profile.There is an urgent need to solve the electrification problem in coastal Indonesian remote areas, especially for the fisheries industry. Seawater-activated Mg-air batteries are recognized to solve those challenges as Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with a huge vast water. However, applications for those technologies still face a bottleneck, such as unsatisfactory ORR performance. In this work, seawater-activated Mg-air battery was combined with MnOx electrocatalyst to improve the ORR performance. The addition of directly grown MnOx catalyst is able to maintain the porous structure of the air cathode, while providing the large catalytically active area. Using the combination of MnOx and seawater electrolyte, Mg-air battery showed a promising performance with an open-circuit voltage of 1.815 V and a peak power density of 17.89 mW cm-2. The direct growth of MnOx could effectively improve the charge transfer and lower resistance of the battery. Moreover, a capacity of 1428.5 mAh g-1 during 24 hours of measurement and 1.34 V of discharge voltage can be achieved. The promising performance of seawater-activated Mg-air batteries with MnOx electrocatalyst can be potentially adopted in remote coastal areas in Indonesia. This work advances the research for producing seawater-activated Mg-air batteries with low-cost production, good practicality, good performance, and environmentally friendly.Bauxite residue or red mud is a waste generated from alumina industry which can pose environmental and safety risks. Utilization of red mud is one of the solutions that can minimize the risks. In this study a series of thermodynamic analysis, laboratory scale experiments, and bench scale trial have been performed to investigate the high temperature processing of Indonesian red mud, while maximizing the use of unwanted

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