
103Saut SAGALA104Trio ADIONO105Mitra DJAMALPolicy Analysis for the Development of Biogas from Palm Oil Waste as Renewable Energy at District Level(Project 2020)Design and Hardware Implementation of Visible Light Communication (VLC) for indoor Internet-of-Things (IoT) environment(Project 2020)Development of Trivalent Rare Earth Ion Doped Glasses for Solid State Lighting Application(Project 2020)70Despite becoming one of the largest biofuel producers in the world with high and growing potential for palm oil-based bioenergy, the Government of Indonesia has not maximized this source to meet its national renewable energy mix targets due to the numerous and complex challenges in palm oil based bioenergy development. In line with this, utilizing various perspectives from multiple stakeholders, this study identifies the challenges faced in the development of bioenergy derived from palm oil waste with a case study on West Kalimantan. Using the SWOT matrix, this study also maps internal and external issues that are used to formulate strategies that could enhance the readiness of policy support on palm oil-based bioenergy development in Indonesia. It is also found that since the bioenergy development in West Kalimantan is still in early stage, optimizing the local potential and capacity must be prioritized to answer the existing problems and limitations.In this research we present the design and implementation of Visible Light Communication (VLC) system for indoor Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. With the proposed analog front-end, a phosphorescent white LED -3dB bandwidth is extended from 1 MHz to 7 MHz, resulting in transmission speed of 50 Mbps using OOK and 60 Mbps using PAM-4 modulation at 1 meter transmission distance. To improve the performance, we also propose the design of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) baseband physical layer design that can be compatible with VLC. Several modifications of the conventional OFDM system are applied to IFFT, preamble, and equalizer to be suitable for VLC implementation. The proposed analog front-end is implemented in a prototype of VLC-based IoT system for hazardless patient monitoring in the hospital.Trivalent rare earth ion (Eu3+, Er3+, Gd3+) doped glasses system have been developed by conventional method, melt and quenching technique. We have fabricated three glasses system i.e. (40-x)TeO2+39B2O3+10CaO+10Al2O3+1Dy2O3+xEu2O3 (xEu glass) where x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0 mol%; 60B2O3+10ZnO+10Al2O3+10BaO+xEr2O3 (xEr glass), where x = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 mol%; and (90-x)TeO2+10ZnF2+xGd2O3 (TZGdx glass) where x = 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mol%. The glass sample was characterized including physical, structural, optical, luminescence, and radiation shielding parameter. The strongest emission intensity of 3Eu glass system was found at 614 nm due to 5D0→7F2 transition excited by λex=395nm with 0.765 ms of experiment lifetime. Meanwhile, the most intense of light emission for xEr glass system came from 2 mol% Er2O3 called 2.0Er glass. The highest peak of emission spectra was respected to 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 transition (1534 nm) under 524 nm excitation. The radiative lifetime (τrad) of 2.0Er glass was 3.023 ms, respectively. Meanwhile for TZGdx glass, the physical properties and radiation shielding parameter such as mass attenuation coefficient (µm) and effective atomic number (Zeff) were characterized. All properties of glass sample were analyzed to understand their future application.

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