
【Continuation Grants for Young Researchers】旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2022)38Yasuharu YOSHIMI39Kousuke TSUCHIYA40Tatsuya MOROFUJI41Yu KATAYAMA42Ikuya YAMADA43Takayoshi AWAKAWA44Takuya KOCHI45Yasufumi TAKAHASHI46Yasuhide INOKUMA47Shintaro ISHIWATA48Masato NIKAIDO49Atsushi KUHARA14Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, University of FukuiDepartment of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto UniversityDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin UniversitySANKEN, Osaka UniversityDepartment of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture UniversityGraduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of TokyoDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio UniversityDepartment of Electronics, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya UniversityDepartment of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido UniversityDepartment of Materials Engineering Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka UniversitySchool of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering & Institute for Integrative Neurobiology, Konan UniversityApplication of Visible Light-induced Decarboxylative Radical Reaction of Benzoic Acid to Suzuki Coupling (Project 2021)ProfessorProgram-Specific Associate ProfessorSynthesis of polypeptides via direct polycondensation using enzyme (Project 2021)Assistant ProfessorHydrogen activation by cation and radical pair (Project 2021)Highly selective electrocatalyst for carbon dioxide conversion: precise tuning of the adsorption morphology of reaction intermediates in confined space (Project 2021)Associate ProfessorHigh-pressure synthesis of novel thermal-storage materials (Project 2021)ProfessorThe creation of artificial oxidation enzyme via functional evolution (Project 2021)Associate ProfessorOrganic Synthesis Using Selective Bond Cleavage and Formation via Chain-Walking of Transition Metal Catalysts (Project 2015)Associate ProfessorDevelopment of Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy for Operando analysis (Project 2018)ProfessorDevelopment of the “unicursal synthesis method” of giant π-conjugated compounds based on aliphatic carbonyl compounds (Project 2019)High pressure synthesis of novel correlated spintronic materials showing giant cross-correlation effects (Project 2019)Molecular evolutionary study of the origin of pheromone detection in vertebrates (Project 2019)Accosiate ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorNovel molecular mechanisms on temperature sensation in neurons upstream of XDH functioning interneuron (Project 2019)Professor

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