【Continuation Grants for Young Researchers】【Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects】【Research Encouragement Grants】旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2022)61Satoshi SAGA62Momoko DEURA63Kenjiro TADAKUMA64Yukina TAKAHASHI65Shinya YOSHIDA66Kazuya ANDO67Akira OIWA68Kenji SUZUKI69Jangshik YOON16Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto UniversityRitsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Ritsumeikan UniversityTough Cyberphysical AI Research Center, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku UniversityInternational Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu UniversityCollege of Engineering, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Shibaura Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics, Keio UniversityThe Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka UniversityFaculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural UniversityInstitute of Urban Innovation, Yokohama National UniversityAssociate ProfessorMutual conversion information editing system for world interaction (Project 2020)Thermoelectric properties of nitride semiconductors for utilization system of waste heat from semiconductor devices (Project 2021)Research and Development of Hyper Deformable Robotic Mechanism based on the Magnetic Hilbert Curve (Project 2021)Senior ResearcherAssociate ProfessorDevelopment of solid state photovoltaic cells based on novel plasmon-induced charge separation system (Project 2018)Small and Highly-Secure Multimodal Biometric System Realized by Ultrahigh-Performance Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Imager (Project 2019)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorChemically engineered spintronics phenomena (Project 2018)Split Cooper pair correlation and photon-spin conversion in self-assembled quantum dots using charge sensing (Project 2019)ProfessorQualitative verification of the conditions of authorized nursery from the view point of age structure of capacity and review of sustainable planning method in the medium to long term (Project 2019)【Research Grants for Sustainable Future, Proposed Research】ProfessorResearch on Planning and Realization methods for Compact city -Focusing on Changes of Urban Planning and Realization method after establishment of Location Normalization Plan- (Project 2020)Assistant ProfessorArchitecture & Urban Engineering
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