
llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL【Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Hanoi, Vietnam)】21Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)WIJAYAWIBOWOPUTRANUGRAHAPRAJAMagdalena Lenny SITUMORANGTJAHJONONGUYEN 107Nurrohman 108Indra 109Helen JULIAN110Ramadhani Eka 111Husna 112113Daryono Hadi 114Quy-Thinh DAO115Toan DAO-HUY116Thi Thu School of Architecture, Planning and Policy DevelopmentSchool of Life Sciences and TechnologyDepartment of Chemical EngineeringSchool of Life Sciences and TechnologySchool of Life Sciences and TechnologySchool of Life Sciences and TechnologyDepartment of Pharmacochemistry, School of PharmacyDepartment of Industrial Automation, School of Electrical Engineering Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pesticide Technology, School of Chemical Engineering Department of Metal Forming, School of Mechanical EngineeringAssessing the Renewable Energy Source Potential Using a GIS-AHP-based model in West Java Province of Indonesia (Project 2021)MicroRNAs Analysis in Gonadal Maturity Regulation of Male Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in response to Carica papaya Seeds Powder Exposure (Project 2021)Concentration of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) brine by membrane distillation for chloralkali plant (CAP) feed solution (Project 2021)Application of local domesticated bees as pollination agent of some economically important crops of West Java : Impact of productivity and economics of the small-holder farmers (Project 2021)Response of Microbial Community Structure and Dynamics of Black Soldier Fly Organic Waste Treatment using Omics Technology Approach (Project 2021)Synbiotic Modulation of Gut Microbiome, Metabolic Function and Metabolite Profiles in Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Grow-out Culture in Biofloc Production System (Project 2021)Design, synthesis, and activity assay of functionalized Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ligands as anticancer candidate for NSCLC (Project 2021)Asst. Prof. Dr.Asst. Prof. Dr.Asst. Prof. Dr.Dr. Dr. Dr. Prof. Dr.Development of a pneumatic artificial muscles based robotic orthosis for gait rehabilitation (Phase 2) (Project 2021)Dr.Synthesis of new zerumbone derivatives and their bioactivities against cancer (Project 2021)Dr.Influence of blank holder pressure on product quality in the hydrostatic forming for sheet metal (Project 2021)Dr.

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