
yrammuS 要概畠山 琢次超高色純度熱活性化遅延蛍光材料の開発17Takuji HATAKEYAMA齋尾 智英細胞内における液-液相分離の光操作技術の開発18Tomohide SAIO(2020採択)Development of ultrapure color thermally activated delayed fluorescent materials(Project 2020)(2020採択)Development of techniques for the regulation of liquid-liquid phase separation (Project 2020)31Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)ホウ素と窒素の「多重共鳴効果」による,一重項励起状態(S1)と三重項励起状態(T1)のエネルギー差の縮小,基底状態(S0)とS1間の構造変化の抑制により,最大IQEが100%に達しながら,スペクトル半値幅が15-20nmと極めて色純度に優れた青色発光を示す熱活性化遅延蛍光(TADF)材料の開発に成功している.本研究では,この設計指針の下,π共役系の拡張,置換基・素子構造の最適化を行い,最高レベルのエネルギー変換効率と色純度を有する有機EL素子を開発した.Recently, we succeeded in reducing the energy gap between the S1 and T1 states and suppressing the structur-al change between the ground state (S0) and the S1 state by the “multiple resonance effect” of boron and nitro-gen. Based on this design guideline, we developed a pure blue TADF material with a maximum IQE of 100% and a spectral half-width of 15-20 nm. Herein, we have developed blue and green OLEDs with the high efficiency and color purity by extending the π-conjugated system and optimizing the substituent and device structures.本研究では,神経変性疾患とも関連が深い,生体分子の液-液相分離(LLPS)現象に着目し,LLPSを光によって操作するツールの開発を目指した.具体的には,相分離を制御する相分離シャペロンをタンパク質工学的戦略により改変し,光応答性を付与した「光応答シャペロン」を設計した.調製した光応答シャペロンを,精製された相分離タンパク質の溶液に添加し,光照射することで,相分離の形成と解消を制御することに成功した.本研究で得られた技術基盤は,細胞内,生体内でのLLPSを介した生命イベントの機能やメカニズムの理解を目指した研究を発展させると期待される.In this study, we focused on the liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of biomolecules, which is closely relat-ed to neurodegenerative diseases, and aimed to develop a tool to manipulate LLPS by light. Specifically, we designed a “light-responsive chaperone” by modifying a phase-separation chaperone that regulates phase sep-aration using a protein engineering strategy. By adding the light-responsive chaperones to a solution of a puri-fied LLPS protein and irradiating the solution with light, we succeeded in controlling the formation and dis-solution of LLPS. The technological basis developed in this study is expected to advance research aimed at understanding the functions and mechanisms of LLPS-mediated biological events in cells and in vivo.

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