
yrammuS 要概伊藤 智和ビタミンB6新規サルベージ経路と輸送系の同定29Tomokazu ITO大谷美沙都30Misato OHTANI(2020採択)Identification of novel salvage pathway and transport system of vitamin B6(Project 2020)植物と病原菌の相互作用による植物の水輸送効率制御機構の解明(2020採択)Elucidation of regulatory mechanisms for water transport efficiency in plants by the interaction between plants and pathogenic bacteria(Project 2020)37Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)ビタミンB6 ビタマーのうち,ピリドキサールリン酸(PLP)およびピリドキサール(PL6)は構造内に高反応性のアルデヒドを有し,様々な内因性化合物と潜在的な反応性を有している.このため,生物は,生体内のB6 ビタマーレベルを厳密に制御する必要がある.本研究では,ビタミンB6ホメオスタシスの分子基盤を明らかとするため,特に未同定のB6輸送体の同定と,各ビタマー間の変換に関わるサルベージ経路の詳細の解明を目指した.本研究によって,枯草菌からはじめてのビタミンB6トランスポーターが見出された.また,大腸菌におけるピリドキシンリン酸(PNP)の脱リン酸化酵素を同定した.さらに,大腸菌のリン酸化ビタマーレベルの新規制御因子であるYggSタンパク質が,PLP-PMP間の変換のターンオーバーに必須の役割を果たすことを明らかとした.Among the vitamin B6 vitamers, pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) and pyridoxal (PL) have highly reactive alde-hydes in their structures and are potentially reactive with a variety of endogenous compounds. Organisms need to tightly regulate B6 vitamer levels in vivo. In this study, we sought to elucidate the molecular basis of vitamin B6 homeostasis, particularly the identification of unidentified B6 transporters and the details of the salvage pathway involved in the conversion between vitamers. This study identified the first vitamin B6 transporter from Bacillus subtilis. We also identified a pyridoxine phosphate (PNP) phosphatase in E. coli. Fur-thermore, we found that the YggS protein, a novel regulator of phosphorylated vitamer levels in E. coli, plays an essential role in the turnover of the conversion between PLP and PMP.植物の水利用効率は穀物や陸上バイオマスの生産性に直結する重要な形質である.本研究では,水利用効率を制御する重要組織である道管に着目し,植物と病原菌の相互作用がどのように道管機能を制御するのか,その分子機構の解明を行った.道管細胞分化を人工的に誘導できるシロイヌナズナVND7-VP16-GRラインの幼植物体を病原菌応答誘引物質で処理したところ,病原菌応答は道管分化を阻害することが分かった.さらに,病原菌応答と道管細胞分化のシグナルの結節点で機能すると考えられる新規因子を複数同定することに成功した.以上から,植物は病原菌に応答して積極的に道管細胞分化プロセスを変化させて道管機能を作り替え,水利用効率を調節している可能性が示唆された.Water-use efficiency in plants is an important trait that directly affects the productivity of crops and plant-derived land biomass. In this study, the molecular mechanisms of how plant-pathogenic bacteria interactions regulate the functionality of xylem vessels, which regulate water-use efficiency in plants, were elucidated. Seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic line VND7-VP16-GR, in which the xylem ves-sel cell differentiation can be induced ectopically, were treated with a pathogen response inducer. The results showed that the pathogen response has an inhibitory effect on xylem vessel cell differentiation. Furthermore, transcriptome and mutant analyses successfully identified several novel factors that possibly function at the molecular nexus between pathogen response and xylem vessel cell differentiation. These findings suggest that plants would actively change the processes of xylem vessel cell differentiation in response to pathogens, to

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