
yrammuS 要概湯川 博33Hiroshi YUKAWA堀口 諭吉34Yukichi HORIGUCHI量子ナノ材料とがん光免疫療法の融合による量子ナノがん光免疫療法の開発(2020採択)Development of quantum-nano photo-immunotherapy (QPIT) through fusion of quantum-nano materials and photo-immunotherapy (Project 2020)ナノポアデバイスによる呼吸器系感染症の新規迅速診断技術の創出(2020採択)Investigation of rapid detection system for respiratory infection using nanopore device(Project 2020)39etc.) within neurons. This will allow us to obtain quantitative data on the amount of mtDNA and to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms for neuronal metabolism.本研究は,最先端量子センサである量子ドット(QDs)と最先端がん治療法である光免疫療法(PIT)を融合することで,PIT抗体薬剤の高感度な可視化とナノ粒子化によりPITの治療効果向上,及び診断機能を有する新規量子ナノがん光免疫療法(Quantum nano cancer Photoimmunotherapy : QPIT)の開発に取り組んだ.これにより,従来のPITだけでは得られない EPR効果(Enhanced Permeability and Reten-tion : EPR)や短時間集積効果なども確認することができた.そして,難治性がん(肺がん)をターゲットにして治療効果の検証とそのメカニズム解明を進めた.更に,QPITという先駆的医工連携技術を開発することに加え,その成果をダイレクトに臨床に繋げるトランスレーショナルリサーチを目指した.This research was conducted to develop a novel quantum nano-cancer photoimmunotherapy (QPIT) that im-proves the therapeutic effect of PIT and has a diagnostic function by combining quantum dots (QDs), the most advanced quantum sensors, with photoimmunotherapy (PIT), the most advanced cancer therapy. This has enabled us to confirm the EPR effect and short-time accumulation effect, which cannot be obtained with conventional PIT alone. We then proceeded to verify the therapeutic effect and elucidate the mechanism by targeting refractory cancers (lung cancer). Furthermore, in addition to the development of the pioneering medical-industrial collaboration technology called QPIT, we aimed at translational research that directly links the results to clinical practice.インフルエンザを始めとする呼吸器感染症は,パンデミックが発生すると多くの人的被害だけでなく甚大な経済的損失を引き起こす.2019年暮より急速に猛威を奮った新型コロナウイルスはこうした懸念がまさに具現化したもので,世界的に大きな影響を及ぼし,社会的関心も非常に高くなった.一方で,これを迅速にモニタリングする有効な手法は現段階では乏しく,イノベーションが求められる.本研究では微粒子を1個単位で計測可能なナノポア計測技術に着目し,これを臨床検体に適用し評価する試みを実施した.その結果,ウイルスと見られる検出シグナルをPCRで検出可能な低濃度サンプルから得ることができた.本技術は微量なウイルスを迅速に検出可能な新技術となりうる.Respiratory infections such as influenza cause not only human suffering but enormous economic losses when a pandemic occurs. COVID-19 is a typical case, causing great damage worldwide and generating tremendous public concern. On the other hand, effective methods for monitoring this rapidly are limited at this stage, therefore, an innovation is required. In this report, we focused on nanopore measurement technology that can measure small particles individually, was applied to clinical sample to evaluate the validity of this technique. The result showed that the signals which may be derived from the viral particles were measured from low Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)

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