
石渡晋太郎47Shintaro ISHIWATA二階堂雅人48Masato NIKAIDO巨大交差相関応答を示す新奇強相関スピントロニクス材料の高圧合成(2019採択)High pressure synthesis of novel correlated spintronic materials showing giant cross-correlation effects(Project 2019)脊椎動物におけるフェロモン受容の起源に関する研究(2019採択)Molecular evolutionary study of the origin of pheromone detection in vertebrates(Project 2019)46旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2022)ent when visible light is irradiated. Furthermore, an aliphatic cyclic polyketone precursor allowed to synthe-size calix[3]pyrrole that was a missing member in the history of porphyrin chemistry, which solved a long standing question on the generation of pigment of life.近年,トポロジカルらせん磁性などの風変わりな磁性と伝導電子のカップリングに起因した巨大交差相関応答を示す物質が,新たなスピントロニクス材料として注目を集めている.本研究では,磁性金属と酸素およびリンのp軌道が強く混成した高圧相が特異な磁性を示すことに着目し,高圧合成法による新物質開拓を精力的に行った.その結果,新規なスピン・電荷競合相を示すBa2/3La1/3FeO3や,磁性誘起トポロジカル量子相を内包し,巨大異常ホール効果を示すらせん磁性体α-EuP3など,新たなスピントロニクス材料を見いだすことに成功した.Recently, materials that exhibit giant cross-correlation response due to coupling between unusual magnetism and conduction electrons, such as topological helical magnetism, have attracted much attention as new spin-tronics materials. In this study, we focused on high-pressure phases with strong hybridization of magnetic metals and p-orbital of oxygen or phosphorus, which exhibit unique magnetic properties, and vigorously ex-plored new materials by high-pressure synthesis method. As a result, we succeeded in finding new spintronic materials such as Ba2/3La1/3FeO3, which exhibits a novel spin-charge competing phase, and α-EuP3, a heli-cal magnetic material that encapsulates a magnetically induced topological quantum phase and shows giant anomalous Hall effect.地球上の生物にとって,子孫を残すための生殖システムは多様性維持の中核をなす.そして,脊椎動物がもつフェロモン(鋤鼻)感覚は,生殖システムの中心的役割を果たす.我々は,シーラカンス全ゲノム計画を進める中で,古代魚から陸生哺乳類を含む,ほぼ全ての脊椎動物が共有するフェロモン受容体遺伝子「ancV1R」を新規に発見した.本研究ではこの発見を基軸として,遺伝子改変マウスを利用したan-cV1Rの機能解析,古代魚におけるancV1Rの発現局在解析,ゲノム情報学を駆使したより網羅的なV1R探索,を実施し,脊椎動物におけるフェロモン感覚の機能とその進化的起源を探った.For organisms on Earth, the reproductive system for generating offspring is central to maintaining biodiversi-ty. The vertebrate pheromone (vomeronasal) sensing plays a pivotal role in this reproductive system. In our coelacanth genome project, we discovered a novel pheromone receptor gene “ancV1R”, shared by almost all vertebrates from ancient fish to terrestrial mammals. In this study, we explored the function and evolutionary origin of the pheromone (vomeronasal) sensing system in vertebrates by, elucidating the function of ancV1R using knockout mice, investigating the expression of ancV1R in the olfactory organ of ancient fish, and con-ducting a more comprehensive search for V1R using genome informatics.

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