yrammuS 要概岡本佳比古52Yoshihiko OKAMOTO 上野 藍53Ai UENOディラック電子系物質に創出する革新的熱・電気エネルギー変換機能(2019採択)Development of Innovative Thermoelectric Materials in Dirac Electron Systems(Project 2019)フラクタル構造をもつ多孔体を用いた熱流動現象の解明とマイクロ熱輸送デバイスの開発(2018採択)Thermal flow phenomenon and application to micro heat transport device using porous material with fractal structure(Project 2018)49attempted to establish a photo-induced DNA double-strand invasion (pDDI) method, which is considered necessary for genome manipulation methods.電子バンドの交差点:ディラック点がフェルミエネルギーに存在する「ディラック電子系」物質に着目した新材料開拓により,従来材料を超える高い熱電変換性能を示す新材料候補の開発を目指した.一次元ディラック電子系物質Ta4SiTe4については,高性能なTa4SiTe4-Nb4SiTe4固溶体試料や,これまで得られていなかったp型試料を合成できた.本物質系が,Bi2Te3系などの実用材料と比べてより高性能,より低温動作可能な新しい熱電変換材料として有望であることを示す.また,物質探索によりBaTiSe3やTa2P-d3Te5といった新しい候補物質を見出し,熱電変換性能を評価した.I will develop new candidate thermoelectric materials that exhibit higher thermoelectric performance than conventional materials by exploring new materials focusing on Dirac electron materials that have Dirac points at Fermi energy. For the one-dimensional Dirac electron material Ta4SiTe4, I succeeded in synthesiz-ing high performance Ta4SiTe4-Nb4SiTe4 solid solution samples and p-type samples that had not been ob-tained thus far. These results indicate that Ta4SiTe4-based materials are promising as a new thermoelectric material with higher performance and lower operation temperature than Bi2Te3-based practical materials. New candidate materials such as BaTiSe3 and Ta2Pd3Te5 were also found by material exploration, and ther-moelectric performance of them were evaluated.次世代型熱輸送デバイスとしてループヒートパイプ(LHP)のシステムの最適化の一環として,「フラクタル幾何学を導入した蒸発器の設計および解析計算」を進めていく段階で,フラクタル構造の利点を活かすには,MEMS技術などによる作製限界も考慮する必要がある.そこで,研究の方針を一部,変更し,新規熱輸送デバイスの最適化と産業応用のシーズとニーズの両観点から,「フレキシブルなLHP (FLHP)の作製とマイクロ熱輸送デバイスの最適化」を研究方針として遂行した.本研究では,FLHPの解析・設計,MEMS技術を駆使したデバイス作製,およびデバイス評価までを一貫して行ったので報告する.As part of the optimization of a loop heat pipe (LHP) system for a next-generation heat transport device, de-sign and analytical calculations of evaporators with fractal geometry was conducted. In order to take advan-tage of fractal structures, it is necessary to consider the fabrication limitations of MEMS technology. There-fore, the research direction was partially changed to “Fabrication of flexible LHP (FLHP) and optimization of micro heat transport devices” from the viewpoints of both optimization of new heat transport devices, and seeds and needs of industrial applications. In this study, we report on the analysis and design of FLHP, fabri-cation of devices using MEMS technology, and device evaluation.Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)
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