yrammuS 要概鈴木 健二68Kenji SUZUKI尹 莊植69Jangshik YOON定員の年齢構成からみた認可保育所の整備実態の質的検証と中長期的に持続可能な整備手法の検討(2019採択)Qualitative verification of the conditions of authorized nursery from the view point of age structure of capacity and review of sustainable planning method in the medium to long term (Project 2019)都市のコンパクト化に向けた計画・実現ツールのあり方に関する研究-立地適正化計画策定後における既存都市計画の変化と実現手法,独自な取り組みを中心に- (2020採択)Research on Planning and Realization methods for Compact city -Focusing on Changes of Urban Planning and Realization method after establishment of Location Normalization Plan- (Project 2020)57Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)都市部では保育所の待機児童が深刻な問題となっている.待機児童の多くを占める0~2歳児の受け皿を確保すべく,2015年には小規模保育が創設されたが,卒園後の3歳児の預け先が不足する「3歳の壁」が新たな問題となりつつある.小規模保育には認可保育所との間で連携が求められているが,十分に進んでいない. そこで,保育施設の既存ストックの実態を把握し,中長期的に持続可能な保育施設整備に関する知見を得る事が,本研究の大きな目的である.具体的には,小規模保育との連携の設定状況を明らかにすると共に,「認可保育所における年齢別定員構成が小規模保育との連携に影響を及ぼしているのではないか」との仮説から,その影響について考察する.As the issue of children on waiting lists for childcare facilities is prominent in Japanʼs urban areas. Small-scale daycare services (SDSs), mainly targeting children aged zero to two who account for most of the wait-ing list children, have been newly established in 2015, however, the “wall of children aged three” (parents must find a new facility for a three-year-old child after graduating from SDSs) has emerged as a new prob-lem. SDSs are required to establish affiliation with authorized day nurseries, but it has not progressed suffi-ciently. Therefore, it is a major purpose of this research to grasp the actual situation of the existing stocks of childcare facilities and to obtain knowledge on the development of sustainable childcare facilities in the me-dium to long term. Specifically, we first clarify the actual status of affiliations in SDSs, and based on the hy-pothesis that “age composition in the capacity of authorized day nurseries influences the status of affiliations in SDSs,” the effect will be considered.人口減少等の背景から都市構造の再構築を目的とする「立地適正化計画」が創設から約8年を経過し,全国各地で計画策定が急速に増えている.しかし,制度普及の面からは肯定的に捉えられるものの,既存都市計画との二層的な関係により計画の実現は簡単ではなく,持続可能なコンパクト化の有効なツールとして活用するためには制度活用の動向について精査する必要がある.そこで本研究では,立地適正化計画の策定後の既存都市計画の変化に注目し,立地適正化計画をもとにした既存都市計画の具体的な変化状況を明らかにし,持続可能な都市形成に向けた計画・実現ツールの活用方案について考察した.8 years have passed since the establishment of Location normalization planning (LNP) system for the recon-struction of Urban structures from depopulation. Recently, the formulation of LNP is increasing rapidly in Ja-pan. This trend is good for the aspect of the systemʼs promotion, but it is not easy to realize the LNP because of unintegrated relations between the Urban planning system and LNP. Therefore, it is necessary to investi-gate the trend of system utilization in detail for use as an effective method of sustainable compactification. For this reason, this research aimed to clarify changes in existing urban planning based on LNP after the for-mulation of LNP, and consider the utilization method as planning and realizing tool for making a sustainable city.
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