yrammuS 要概村上 進亮72Shinsuke MURAKAMI平野 実晴73Miharu HIRANO情報開示が資源国の紛争解決に与える影響―ドッド・フランク法の検証 ―(2019採択)Impact of information disclosure on conflict resolution in resource producing countries -Assessment of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Project 2019)持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)から見た日本の水行政―法学的研究手法の提案に向けて(2019採択)Assessment of Japanese Water Administration through the Lens of Sustainable Development Goals: A Proposal for a Legal Research Method(Project 2019)59Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)鉱物資源問題と言えば,かつては供給側の問題により需要国が影響を受けるような問題を指すことが多かったが,需要側が責任を問われることも増えつつある.その一つが,いわゆる紛争鉱物の問題である.その対応としてドットフランク法をはじめ「情報開示」というアプローチが取られてきた訳だが,本研究では紛争鉱物(タングステン,タンタル)や指定されなかったが重要な鉱物(コバルト)の供給構造の変化を通してこうしたアプローチの有効性を検証した.検討対象の全ての鉱物で大きな構造変化が見られ,その有効性が定量的に確認された.また定性的な調査からは,より大きな枠組みであるサーキュラーエコノミーの実装のような紛争鉱物に限らない持続可能性のための動きが貢献する可能性を持つことも確認できた.“Mineral resource problem” used to refer to problems in which demanding countries were affected by sup-ply-side problems, but increasingly the demand side is being held accountable. Conflict minerals is a good example. Information disclosure, such as Dodd Frank act, has been used to address this issue. This study ex-amines the effectiveness of these approaches through changes in the supply structure of conflict minerals (tungsten and tantalum) and important minerals (cobalt) that have not been designated as such. Significant structural changes were observed for all minerals examined, quantitatively confirming the effectiveness of the approach. Qualitative survey also confirmed that sustainability movements not limited to conflict minerals, such as the implementation of a larger framework, the circular economy, have the potential to contribute.持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)は,革新的な「目標設定によるガバナンス」の手法を採用しており,既に国の政策のみならず多くの企業や自治体などによって参照されるなど,影響力を有している.しかし,それ自体として法ではないSDGsを,法的見地からどのように把握するかという問題が生じる.そこで,本研究では,日本の水行政にSDGsを取り込む過程を対象とし,理論と実践の両側面からの検討を行うことによって,法学的研究手法を提案した.The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which employ an innovative “governance through goals” ap-proach, have already gained influence not only through national policies, but also by being referred to by many companies and local governments. However, the question arises as to how to understand the SDGs from a legal perspective, since they are not legally binding in themselves. Therefore, this study proposed a legal research method by examining the process of incorporating the SDGs into Japanʼs water administration from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
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