
yrammuS 要概大久保奈弥76Nami OKUBO開発の危機に晒される相模湾沿岸域に生息する動植物の生物目録作成(2017採択)A survey of animals and plants in Sagami Bay endangered by the proposed coastal development(Project 2017)61targeting municipal assemblies. To this end, we conducted a questionnaire survey of municipalities nation-wide. We found that more policies related to work-life balance and support for the socially vulnerable were adopted when there were female lawmakers than when there were not, but no effect was observed for social and political participation and health policies. In addition, the presence of more than 20% female lawmakers, which was assumed as a critical mass, had no effect on the adoption of all areas of women-friendly policies. In the current situation of local assemblies in Japan, it seems that an increase in the number of female law-makers does not lead to a significant change in women-friendly policies. It is infered that there is not a suffi-cient environment for women to express their policy preferences and to act as substantial representatives of women in the local assemblies.神奈川県藤沢市から横須賀市に至るまでの海岸一帯は,明治時代にエドワード・モースが日本で初めて臨海実験所を設立した藤沢市の江の島や,歴史的遺産である鎌倉市の和賀江島などを含み,水産資源をはじめとした様々な動植物を有する貴重な生態系の集まりである.本申請を行った当時,2020年のオリンピック・パラリンピックセーリング競技の開催により,漁港の開発や防波堤の設置が計画されていた.また,三浦半島魅力最大化プロジェクトという開発事業が現在進行中で,沿岸工事などにより貴重な生物群集に影響を与える可能性があった.そこで,上記の大規模開発が始まる前に,逗子市小坪,鎌倉市材木座和賀江島,横須賀市和田長浜などの各海岸(潮間帯)に生息する生物群を網羅的に調査し,生物種リストを完成させた.また,逗子市小坪では,世界最北限のサンゴイソギンチャクについて初めて公的に記録することができた.The coastal area from Fujisawa City to Yokosuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture, including Enoshima Island in Fujisawa City, where Edward Morse established Japanʼs first seaside laboratory in the Meiji era, and Wagaeji-ma Island in Kamakura City, a historical heritage site, is a valuable ecosystem cluster with a variety of flora and fauna, including marine resources. At the time this application was submitted, the development of a fish-ing port and the construction of a breakwater were being planned due to the hosting of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic sailing competitions. In addition, a development project called the Miura Peninsula Attrac-tiveness Maximisation Project was currently underway, which could affect valuable biological communities due to coastal works. Therefore, before the above-mentioned large-scale development began, a comprehen-sive survey of the biological communities inhabiting the coasts (intertidal zone) of Kotsubo, Zushi City; Wa-kaejima-Zaimokuza, Kamakura City; and Wada-Nagahama, Yokosuka City was carried out, and a species re-cord was published for Zaimokuza and Kotsubo, with the northernmost coral anemone in the world recorded at Kotsubo.Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)

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