
yrammuS 要概101Rindia Maharani PUTRI102Endra GUNAWANTransformation of Tropical Marine Diatoms into Light-Activated Catalysts for Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)(Project 2021)Hunt for Fault Sources Responsible for Damaging Jakarta Metropolitan Area Environmentally(Project 2021)73Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)Given the abundance, inexpensive, and renewable nature of marine diatoms, their biosilica shell hold great potential to be developed towards various silica applications. However, in the past years, the utilization of Indonesian tropical marine diatoms has only been limited to high value biomolecules such as lipids and proteins, while the biosilica shells often end up as a waste in the processing, without any added value nor any further usage. To this end, it is important to investigate and utilize the biosilica of Indonesian tropical marine diatoms to improve their value and functionality. Among the potential applications of biosilica for industrial purposes, the use of silica as a matrix for photocatalysis application is particularly intriguing. The sophisticated three-dimensional architecture with hierarchical nanopores and such a large surface area are altogether ideal for photocatalysis process, particularly to be deposited with metal oxide such as titanium dioxide (TiO2), while also preventing aggregations of nanoparticles and stabilizing TiO2 in the most photocatalytically active phase. Here, we reported the transformation of Cyclotella striata diatom, from lab-grown live cultures to TiO2-bearing photocatalysts for treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). The presence of Ti content was confirmed using EDX and XRF at a varying ratio of Ti/Si. Furthermore, through extensive EM imaging, as well as SAED and XRD analyses, TiO2 appeared to be trapped in an anatase phase on silica porous surface, displaying polycristallinity. Since no change was observed in the FT-IR spectra of the photocatalyst compared to the initial biosilica, TiO2 was likely to be immobilized through physisorption only. Moreover, TiO2 possessed a band gap of 3.41 eV without any biosilica, which significantly decreased to around 3.2 eV upon deposition on the biosilica surface. The photocatalytic activity of the synthesized TiO2/biosilica photocatalyst with different ratios was evaluated by degradation of POME waste under 300 W Xenon lamp irradiation, displaying a significant POME degradation that followed a hyperbolic trend. Kinetic analyses revealed that POME effluent degradation using the photocatalysts follows first-order reaction kinetics, in which the 2TiO2-1SiO2 photocatalyst displays the highest activity among other variations of Ti/Si ratio.Existing active fault sources near the Jakarta Metropolitan Area which environmentally damage this region are poorly known. An environmental geoscience investigation of active fault sources which lead to the future earthquake occurrences is crucial in the attempt to reduce the disaster risk in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area. Neglection and lack of knowledge would increase disaster. Historical data suggested that previous destructive earthquakes that occurred in 1699 and 1780 impacted the Jakarta Metropolitan Area. Using the Jakarta Metropolitan Area as a research target area, this research proposes a comprehensive hunt to identify fault sources which are responsible for damaging the Jakarta Metropolitan Area environmentally. The ultimate goal is to get a better understanding of active tectonic zones for hazard mitigation purposes. One of the recent destructive earthquakes that impacted the Jakarta Metropolitan Area was the 2 August 2019 Banten earthquake. Unfortunately, the geological structure obtained by seismic data did not clearly show the fault in this particular region. Hence, the responsible fault source of the 2019 Banten earthquake is not well-known. To overcome this issue, this research uses GPS data, tide gauge data and aftershock to understand the fault source of this earthquake. The research team also uses methodology which has been applied in various cases in Indonesia. In addition, this research proposes increasing the capacity of Indonesian researchers through international journals as the output of this research. Finally, output of this research could be used as an input for seismic hazard assessment conducted by the Government of Indonesia for hazard mitigation purposes in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area.

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